Sentences with phrase «successful ebook launch»

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We asked her about writing and marketing YA fantasy, launching a successful first book, accumulating a street team, getting bloggers to reveal your cover, and having paperbacks and hardbacks as well as ebooks made.
Last year at Publishers Launch New York, we debuted our very successful eBooks for Everyone Else conference and speed - dating format.
Amazon has announced the arrival of the latest in its series of Kindle ebook readers, the Kindle Paperwhite, for the UK following a successful launch in the US.As with the US version, the Amazon Kindle Paperwhite has plenty going for it, but the part... Read more
When Andy Weir first launched The Martian as an eBook in 2011 there was no way he could have predicted just how successful it would end up -LSB-...]
However, if you are interested in self - publishing and looking for one how - to resource guide to get you started selling in the largest eBook store in the world, Successful eBook Publishing: The Complete How - To Guide for Creating and Launching Your Amazon Kindle eBook is the one book you need to own.
I am pleased to announce that I am releasing a new book titled Successful eBook Publishing: The Complete How - To Guide for Creating and Launching Your Amazon Kindle eBook in October 2012.
[schema type =» book» url =»» name =» Successful eBook Publishing: The Complete How - to Guide for Creating and Launching Your Amazon Kindle eBook» description =» Successful eBook Publishing is a complete how - to instruction guide for planning, designing, formatting, converting and distributing Kindle eBooks.
In January of 2010, at the event announcing the launch of the iPad, Jobs said that «Amazon has done a good job with Kindle» but that Apple was «going to stand on their shoulders» and the the successful ebook concept even further with iBooks.
They also didn't allow her to change her eBook pricing which is a big part of a successful launch strategy.
I just launched my ebook this weekend and following the strategies you teach here, my launch was successful beyond my wildest dream.
In this article, I'll teach you how to leverage ebook preorders to make your next book launch more successful.
Another up - and - coming novelist who is one of the youngest and more successful self - published authors in the UK has recently launched his campaign on the crowdfunding site (disclaimer: Ben Galley is a client of BB eBooks).
After the successful launch of my first eBook, I'm in the process of writing «premium» versions of my free Debt Snowball Calculator and Rental Property Investment Analysis Calculator programs in Excel to experiment with selling them online with PayHip as well.
I started my blog for fun in 2011, eventually launching a successful eBook called Life After Teaching and creating a business for myself as a freelance writer and entrepreneur (a career I didn't know existed when I was a classroom teacher in 2008).
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