Sentences with phrase «successful legislation»

He also supported successful legislation to extend significant property tax breaks to Texas» senior citizens.»
He spent eight years on the Senate Armed Services Committee and authored successful legislation addressing threats posed by Syria and Iran - points he makes regularly as he travels to early primary states and meets with party activists.
And it seems unlikely that this year's abbreviated legislative session will produce successful legislation to roll back the marquee climate rules when previous efforts to do so have failed.
The Nebraskan Senator has not made any significant moves impacting student loan affordability or availability, but he has introduced successful legislation that indirectly affects student loans.
Sixty - year - old Philip Stoddard, the mayor of South Miami and a full - time biology professor at Florida International University, spoke with Southeast Energy News about how and why he became a mayor, how he marshals science to pass successful legislation supporting renewable and green energy, and what he sees for the future of climate - vulnerable cities like South Miami.
But Warner, Dickerson and their colleagues found that successful legislation to reduce acid rain in the early 1990s most likely had the unintended effect of increasing gaseous ammonia.
Like the successful legislation in Milwaukee, Cleveland, and Washington, D.C., the Spence bill was sold as a program to help low - income students escape failing schools.
Education leads to advocacy that leads to public awareness that leads to successful legislation, all helping the advancement of animal protection.
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