Sentences with phrase «successful mating»

"Successful mating" refers to the successful process of reproduction and the union between two organisms, typically animals, resulting in offspring. Full definition
Women may choose successful mates, but that may be more for «nesting» purposes.
It is conventional and desirable, that a second service should be offered two days after the first successful mating.
Males in sexually cannibalistic species often have risk - management behaviors to reduce their odds of being eaten, or at least their odds of successful mating before becoming dinner.
What you think the way AFC, Wenger and our board do it is better, that's exactly the reason why we ain't successful mate.
They found that regions with higher recorded levels of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were associated with bears having a less dense baculum, which may prevent successful mating.
Sage grouse are on the decline, and scientists think that (in addition to habitat loss) the problem may be that noise pollution from natural gas development in their native areas across the western United States interferes with successful mating.
The researchers say they will continue to explore how information about ejaculation or successful mating reaches the brain.
«Our studies suggest that the state of the animal (i.e., undergoing successful mating or being rejected) affects the motivation to consume drug rewards,» says Shohat - Ophir.
In a new study published in Environmental Research, scientists examined samples of the penis bone — a bone called the baculum that allows some mammals to have longer, more successful mating sessions — to see if environmental pollutants might be effecting their density.
Offspring are only produced after flea eggs are fertilized through successful mating.
prezygotic isolation: A form of reproductive isolation in which the two species never reach the stage of successful mating, and thus no zygote is formed.
That may seem like a strange place for what are essentially simple eyes, but apparently they're crucial for what many humans might consider an essentially simple task: successful mating.
«Successful mating is naturally rewarding to male flies and increases the levels of a small peptide in the brain called Neuropeptide F,» says Galit Shohat - Ophir of Bar - Ilan University in Israel.
Overall, it warns us, paleontologists, about the use of sagittal crests to characterize and classify species and look at it as a more plastic feature that may reflect some social pressure and need of competition for a successful mating
An analysis of vaginal cells and levels of luteinizing hormone, also, are used to enhance the chances of a successful mating or insemination.
Responsible dog breeders know better so here's how to get a successful mating.
Pregnancy The pregnancy or gestation period extends from the time of successful mating to parturition.
Rabbits should be in good body condition to slightly overweight when bred to ensure a successful mating.
The stud needs to be the most assertive one if a successful mating is to occur.
Mating can last for several hours, and the female will typically begin to reject the male after 3 or 4 successful matings.
The usefulness of artificial insemination is that it does not require both animals to be together for a successful mating.
They're the 2017 follow - ups to the successful Mate 9 and Mate 9 Pro, and feature a number of improvements, both visually and internally.
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