Sentences with phrase «successful opposition»

It ought to be making net gains of 500 - 1,000 council seats in local elections, as successful opposition parties have done in the past.
Prior to joining Dowd Bennett, drafted successful oppositions to class certification and motions for decertification in several consumer class actions for insurance client.
Researched and wrote successful opposition to motion to dismiss patent infringement suit that allowed client to continue to pursue its claims and reach advantageous settlement agreement.
«I think that while some people may be willing to give this a try and meet the requirements in the act, at the same time the possibility for successful oppositions is certainly there,» says Rowden.
Though the New Deal was itself certainly of major importance to the political formation of what has come to be known as the organized Jewish community, for many if not most Jews Roosevelt's greatness lay not so much in the fact that he was a liberal in opposition to conservatives as it did in the fact that in the face of Nazi Germany he was an interventionist in firm and successful opposition to the isolationists.
The strategist, Bradley Tusk, managed Michael Bloomberg's successful re-election for a third term as mayor, and helped steer Uber's successful opposition to a de Blasio - led effort to cap the rate of growth for the ride - hailing app.
If there is no successful opposition, then the policies to renationalise rail, bring schools back under local authority control, or whatever are irrelevant.
It was written by Jean Cassou who considered Arp's search for unity, for purity and vitality a successful opposition to Cubism.
Initially, locals bristled at what they considered a foreign land grab and at the couple's successful opposition to a massive hydropower scheme.
Co-counsel for a leading manufacturer of appliances (front - loading washing machines) in the successful opposition of a multi-province consumer class action before all levels of the Ontario courts, and on a leave application to the Supreme Court of Canada
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