Sentences with phrase «successful piece»

The marketing team also provides year end analytics reports with examples of successful pieces of content and top campaigns to show what digital communications can do for lawyers.
The new works in this show are further examinations of the most successful pieces of the last 8 years.
This minimalist - conceptual work was the most powerful and successful piece in the show.
As well, if the pieces are for sale, the artists tend to put in a very successful piece instead of some older one they've had around the studio for a while.
This is especially important if you want to determine how successful a piece is.
CC: The first successful piece from this body of work was an image of the royal blue car, turned on its side.
945 Madison Avenue and Artists Monument are two of the more successful pieces in this year's Whitney Biennial, a show which, every other year, presents a curated snapshot of the state of contemporary art in America.
Our most successful pieces work because they identify a challenge faced by community colleges, highlight potential solutions or promising practices intended to meet those challenges, and offer trusted advice for college leaders to potentially replicate similar practices on their campuses.
Some of the more successful pieces depart from the meandering pace of investigative journalism in favor of a more distended reality.
«Current events art» risks becoming dated as its subject fades from the headlines, but successful pieces become a primary source granting a unique perspective on the past, and through them, on the issues of our present.
By creatively connecting legal briefs with their associated opinions, BriefMine will allow lawyers to identify successful pieces of prior litigation, and unearth insight into how these cases were won.
Instead, the GI Bill became the most successful piece of social legislation Congress ever enacted.
The 71 - year - old seven - term legislator said she is proud of her record in Albany, having been prime sponsor on a number of successful pieces of legislation, but she is ready for one last term - lest it be interrupted with a mayoral win.
Nicole Cherubini presentation on contemporary ceramics where paint acts as the union between disparate mediums presents painting as a verb, creating some of the most successful pieces in the exhibition, Cherubini follows suit with Apfelbaum, merging the disciplines of sculpture and painting.
I think this will be a very successful piece of art for you because of the picture itself and the contraversy it will incite.
«Because of our constant market research, we can easily determine how successful a piece of content will be in terms of driving consumer engagement.»
But you don't have to conduct a comprehensive research project to use data in a successful piece of content.
Everything from the headline choice to the links chosen to be included in your blog post are important elements that comprise a successful piece of content.»
Despite initial skepticism, the Dodd - Frank Act will go down in the history books as being a successful piece of legislation in terms of resurrecting the US banking system.
How to Create Cityscape Concept Art In this tutorial, I will teach you how to easily create a successful piece of cityscape concept art.
In the 1980s, under conservative prime minister Brian Mulroney, Canada led the way in international policies to control acid rain and chlorofluorocarbons: the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer is the most successful piece of international environmental legislation ever enacted.
Whatever the endeavor, the result here is a presentation with a positive message of peace and a successful piece of entertainment.
And how marvelous that Powell & Pressburger made such a successful piece of anti-Nazi propaganda and still managed to sneak in not just one of their trademark «good» Germans but two - Anton Walbrook as Peter, the «leader» of the (German!)
It was a successful piece of counter-programming for Paramount, which used the modestly budgeted comedy starring Jane Fonda, Diane Keaton and Candice Bergen to find older audiences and women while «Deadpool 2» dwelled overwhelmingly on young men.
The GI Bill became the most successful piece of social legislation Congress ever enacted.
Any conventional tips or advice won't make much difference, so we tried our best to gather some tips that you might not usually consider and that could help in developing a successful piece of writing.
One of the keys to any successful piece of writing is finding a good editor — an imperative that extends, perhaps especially, to self - published authors.
It is necessary to make a plan or outline for a successful piece of work
They were complementary goods with the most successful piece of hardware that Nintendo has ever produced.
According to Doug Creutz, managing director and senior research analyst covering the media sector at Cowen, Grand Theft Auto V is the most successful piece of media in history, selling over 90 million units and currently sitting at $ 6 billion in revenue.
According to Doug Creutz, managing director and senior research analyst covering the media sector at Cowen, Grand Theft Auto V is the most successful piece of media in history, selling over 90 million...
These are hardly the most subtle threads to pull, but in a world so large, and with so much to do, every successful piece of detective work feels like a reward.
Jan 31, 2016 Denver Post: «Arguably, the most successful piece of contemporary architecture in Denver.»
The most successful pieces are small - scale splodgy monochromes or dreamy mountainscapes in pink or grey, reminiscent of Ian McKeever in their sensitivity to light.
The more successful pieces are also evocative of aerial land patterns, as in the vein of Jane Frank and many others.
The most successful piece in the show - insofar as Gallacio seems at last to have solved the problem of architecture vs art - is the delightful «Falling from Grace», which consists of strings strung vertically from floor to ceiling on to which apples have been threaded - Tuscan apples, we assume and hope.
For Do Ho Suh, the most successful piece was the 2013 Stove, Apartment A, 348 West 22nd Street, New York, NY 10011, USA, in the range of $ 150,000 and $ 200,000.
Artist Statement «If a High Speed Rail system is low emission, convenient, and powered by clean energy it will be a successful piece in the journey toward climate victory. High Speed...
Sony's most successful piece of electronic equipment is without a doubt that PlayStation 4 video game console, currently at least, and over the last few generations of phones they have made a handful of apps that allow Xperia device owners to enhance the PS4 experience through their smartphones.
«Bitcoin is a very successful piece of software, but it's just software,» he said.
A successful piece focuses on your current job contributions, but it also shows what you have accomplished since your first days at the company.
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