Sentences with phrase «successful professional development»

The more successful professional development programs last several days, focus on subject - specific instruction, and are aligned with instructional goals and curriculum.
Successful professional development depends on the acquisition of information — information that motivates, informs, challenges, or cautions.
After all, the most effective curriculum is the one that follows the students, and the most successful professional development is the one that grows from the questions in your classroom.
Too often the breakdown of successful professional development and teacher learning occurs in the transition from the training room to the classroom.
After our PBL 101 workshop, we provide on - site Sustained Support Visits, as research and experience shows that follow - up is necessary for successful professional development, transformation of practice, and the sustainability of PBL.
Being the founder of San Jose State University Professional Development's most successful professional development program «E-Commerce Management» from» 99 - 03
The belief interviews (Richardson, Anders, Tidwell, & Lloyd, 1991) focused on individual background, perception of the facilitator role, description of the program, vision for successful professional development, beliefs about teacher change, and views regarding autonomy.
The place to start is the research on successful professional development.
Rivermead have been using SchooliP for over two years, Mandi Uden, Deputy Headteacher, discusses how SchooliP has been integral to creating a successful professional development process for Rivermead and why they «love it».
We believe that the key to successful professional development is to create quality training and support programs that are tailored to meet the individual needs of our employees.
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