Sentences with phrase «successful recovery»

"Successful recovery" refers to the process of overcoming a problem or difficulty and achieving positive outcomes or improvements. It means being able to rebound from a setback, illness, addiction, or other challenges in a positive and effective manner. Full definition
Building blocks toward continues successful recovery from histories of abuse are provided so that residents can learn and practice new response patterns.
I was talking about successful recovery from obesity, especially BMI > 35.
Virtually everyone agrees that successful recovery programs must be grounded in an understanding of why a species is in trouble in the first place.
Design to work in conjunction with proven successful recovery methods.
Until you and your doctor know the root cause of your suffering, long term successful recovery is almost impossible.
We believe that excellent medical attention combined with a sensitive caring touch will ensure your pet the quickest and most successful recovery possible.
The thought of digging themselves into a deeper financial hole with little prospect of successful recovery seems like throwing bad money after good, having just invested in a costly defence to criminal proceedings.
Therefore, successful recovery from blindness due to injury or disease will require the functional replacement of multiple retinal cell types.
Primerus members have a history of successful recovery of delinquent debt on behalf of creditors in almost every industry, from debtors located throughout North America and internationally.
Gather all information needed to determine the best course of action for successful recovery of the full and fair amount due
But it goes further than that: Spirituality may actually play a role in successful recovery from alcoholism, says research in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research.
Other members of last season's surgical group who have all made successful recoveries from knee operations and are now back in the team include Angelo Ogbonna, Mark Noble and Winston Reid.
Successful Recovery School District charters may decide each year whether to return to Orleans Parish.
Resilience is defined as successful adaptation to adversity, including successful recovery from adverse life events and sustainability in relation to life challenges, individually and on group - and community - levels (Zautra et al., 2010).
According to Dr. Hsu, nonsurgical therapy should be the first - line treatment in all athletes with lower back conditions because successful recovery rates from rehabilitation protocols are high.
The fee your Mission Viejo personal injury attorney charges is contingent upon successful recovery in your case — in other words, you only pay his fee if you obtain a settlement or are successful in court.
«By focusing on episodes of care and rewarding successful recoveries, bundled payments encourage hospitals to coordinate care to achieve the best outcomes possible for patients,» said HHS Secretary Sylvia Burwell in a statement.
«Trajectory of functional recovery after postoperative delirium: Delirium after elective surgery results in a less successful recovery
This reality coupled with the ferret's extreme susceptibility to the disease means successful recovery of the Black - footed Ferret is dependent upon finding a solution to that susceptibility.
Successful recovery always includes diet and nutrition interventions and that's our speciality!
Representing the fastest successful recovery for any Endangered Species Act (ESA)- listed mammal in the United States, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) today announced a proposal to delist three subspecies of island fox native to California's Channel Islands.
Since 1995, our law firm has obtained successful recoveries for clients injured in accidents as well as protected the rights of individuals and companies needing professional racing legal services.
Miss Piggin is commended for obtaining the first ever successful recovery of costs on an HMRC production order.
Matt Powell is a Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyer by The Florida Bar who has made many successful recoveries for victims of trucking accidents.
With timely medication, good balanced diet and lots of care, most cats make successful recoveries.
They will allow us to move forward with the unprecedented scale and speed with which we will need in order to avert the worst impacts and set the stage for successful recovery.
Corrugated's successful recovery rate contributes to overall improvements in the industry's environmental impact.
Circumstantial evidence, if based on reasonable inferences, will likely be sufficient to effectively demonstrate that the defendant acted negligently and thus, allow successful recovery of damages in a civil action.
Successful recovery from infidelity requires both parties to be equally committed to working towards this goal.
We found a recently invented treatment that would have seemed like science fiction only a few years ago, but would radically improve Joan's chances of a successful recovery.
Their support motivated me to stay positive and focused allowing for my successful recovery!
The emphasis on the sickness is very important because only through accurate diagnosis is there a chance of successful recovery.
The Czech man has spoken of his current fitness situation and the chances of making a successful recovery for next season.
«After tearing my ACL and going through the surgery, I decided that other athletes shouldn't have to deal with the same pain I felt while going through my injury,» said Christina, who speaks candidly about the physical and emotional pain and frustration she endured throughout her successful recovery.
Early intervention improves the chances for a teens» successful recovery from an eating disorder.
«We are very grateful for all the efforts Nigerians are putting in — praying for my quick and successful recovery.
It's a large island, to be sure, about 1.6 million acres, but the habitat is so harsh that a successful recovery would be a herd of 300 animals.
The use of stem cells as orthopedic therapies in the U.S. is becoming more commonplace and has drawn the attention of elite athletes, most notably NFL players, who have been vocal about receiving stem cell treatments and their successful recoveries.
Conversely, as an early warning system, the charts indicate that while the successful recovery of the Puerto Rican parrot has been notable, the wild population still exhibits wide fluctuations in numbers and the species» survival could be threatened by a single extreme tropical storm, so suitable contingencies need to be identified.
The goal for each is the same: to increase dramatically the chances of a more rapid and successful recovery.
Ultimately, the project will improve the ability of condor biologists to identify birds that are at high risk for poisonings and develop better strategies for ensuring the species» successful recovery in the wild.
Although the successful recovery of the cores from Mont Blanc is an excellent first step, the recovery of the anticipated future cores will be much more difficult due to logistical challenges and the fact that the programs will have to be conducted in numerous politically diverse countries such as India and China, he says.
The chances of successful recovery are high, according to Dimon.
Soft release facilities are used by many bird recovery programs — they have been key to the successful recovery of the Mauritius pink pigeon.
We provide an example of successful restoration linking effective management of nutrients to the successful recovery of submersed aquatic vegetation along thousands of kilometers of coastline in Chesapeake Bay, United States.

Phrases with «successful recovery»

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