Sentences with phrase «successful rehabilitation»

"Successful rehabilitation" refers to the achievement of positive changes and improvements in someone's behavior, abilities, or circumstances after overcoming a negative situation, such as addiction, injury, or criminal behavior. It suggests that the person has been able to reintegrate into society, lead a productive life, and avoid repeating harmful behaviors. Full definition
Their goal is to address, improve, and eliminate these behaviors and provide dogs with the type and level of support needed for successful rehabilitation and potential to thrive in an adoptive home.
Many states allow a parent who has been denied visitation to restore his rights through successful rehabilitation.
We offer extended hours, a dynamic staff, and the equipment needed for successful rehabilitation.
October 24, 2017 Southern sea otter released in Half Moon Bay after successful rehabilitation at The Marine Mammal Center
«Our study reveals how important a meticulous therapeutic design is for the most successful rehabilitation possible,» sums up study head Martin Schwab.
Sick or seriously ill pooches will also require a different kind of diet to help in the healing and recovery process and help facilitate more successful rehabilitation.
The first successful rehabilitation and release of a Hawaiian monk seal pup with an overview of post release monitoring.
A comprehensive and successful rehabilitation package was arranged by Lisa through the case manager she appointed.
The [Pepper] case offers the justices an opportunity to provide some guidance to sentencing judges about how much weight to give an offender's successful rehabilitation if he or she must be resentenced following appeals...
Others take issue with the idea that private corporations profit off of the nation's predilection for incarceration, rewarded for the sheer number of inmates they can house rather than for successful rehabilitation and reentry outcomes.
A duty to the public must be to stop prisoners reoffending through successful rehabilitation.
A diplomatic presence and the successful rehabilitation of children in Burma have opened doors for Project: AK - 47 in Sri Lanka, the Philippines and Mexico.
When adversity strikes «'' especially injury «'' managing your mental game can be the key to a successful rehabilitation and return to sport.
It is true that the future prosperity of our economy hangs firmly on the successful rehabilitation of the global financial services sector: but it will impact on more than just raw policy — these decisions will affect the lives of people across our country for a generation.
This type of individualized care is key to successful rehabilitation, including fully integrating into work, school, and the community.»
Therefore strengthening the lower trapezius without increasing thoracic spine mobility and releasing the pectoralis minor won't result in a successful rehabilitation of shoulder pain.
It is one of the three key components of a successful rehabilitation program...
Pilates was an integral part of her successful rehabilitation, and she was able to dance again.
Your Direct Loan servicer may also place you in an alternative plan temporarily after a successful rehabilitation.
The Department says that it does not currently add collection fees to the new loan balance after a successful rehabilitation of a Department - held loan.
The involvement of the pet owner is also a must for a successful rehabilitation program.
This is not to say that the underwater treadmill doesn't have its benefits and can't be a part of a successful rehabilitation plan.
He has enjoyed working with Dr Bowra and his successful rehabilitation therapy team since 2003.
He has enjoys working with Dr. Bowra and his successful rehabilitation therapy team to optimize mobility following surgery.
All information pertaining to origin, age, condition and ongoing follow - up for examinations, vaccinations, and spay and neuter is gathered daily and dispersed to medical personnel and volunteers to ensure the successful rehabilitation and ultimate placement of our furry friends.
Knowledge and awareness is key to your dog's successful rehabilitation.
Glossy shiny healthy coat, perfect weight and a beautiful happy girl she is now after her successful rehabilitation
She now specializes in the successful rehabilitation of aggressive dogs, returning them as great companions and family members.
After a successful rehabilitation, the ultimate goal is to release the animal back to the ocean.
Another notable difference between a struck off solicitor and one who is struck off by another regulator is that a struck off solicitor will find it almost impossible to be allowed to return to the profession, whereas other professionals may be able to return to the profession where they can show a period of successful rehabilitation.
For those who have committed a crime, employment — along with the social networks and economic stability that work provides — increases the likelihood of successful rehabilitation and reintegration.
Corrections Victoria has recognised that remandees present with a range of complex needs and require tailored intervention and support for their successful rehabilitation and reintegration into the community.
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