Sentences with phrase «successful use»

This enables our very successful use of learning technologies across the whole curriculum.
With the vast amount of private investors there are many who are very successful using different tactics.
I think this may be the most successful use of my sourdough starter yet and I will definitely make it again.
The ability to remove filings with a low probability of success or commercial impact, and increase higher probability filing, will help to ensure a more successful use of budgets.
A bitcoin transaction is made successful using a series of unstoppable servers.
You can't be successful using cloth diapers if you don't own good cloth diapering supplies!
The active sharing of documented best practices, successful use cases, and appropriate tools that power today's most progressive learning initiatives.
Both have been successful using food to lure people into their stores with the hopes of selling them a T - shirt or two on their way out.
Any business that wants to be successful or is successful uses email marketing.
Learning how to properly set the incubator will ensure successful use.
You'll learn how to more be more successful using positive reinforcement and negative punishment to effect behavior changes.
It's an utterly unique and incredibly successful use of a license.
Whether you are successful using honey or vinegar depends upon the client you are trying to attract.
Small and mid-sized employers, for example, are more successful using free sites.
As far as knowing anyone who has been successful using guru stuff... I have known dozens who are successful and started with a course.
We have been extremely successful using yellow letters to find motivated sellers for our marketing.
It is important to remember that the key to successful use of breastfeeding for birth control is to maintain the frequency of breastfeeding.
I have been very successful using the water, oil, and baking powder replacement for 4 eggs in my cakes with a lot of success.
You will be more successful using an independent life insurance agent such as us because we have access to numerous companies.
Brad initially struggled with online dating dating matchtalk but over time became quite successful using.
Balanced temperament and good trainability allow successful use in many working modalities and canine sports.
Students in Trousdale County Schools have detailed plans for their lives after graduation before they complete middle school, setting the stage for successful use of time in high school.
«This is the first successful use of oxygen in the air to oxidize methane under ambient conditions,» Ohkubo says.
However, we may get a dog into the program that came from a home with successful use of an underground containment system or feel the dog may be a candidate for underground fencing.
UT Southwestern Medical Center Kidney Cancer Program investigators have published what is believed to be the first reported successful use of stereotactic body radiation therapy for an often deadly complication of kidney cancer.
The first widely - accepted successful use of SCNT came with the creation of the sheep Dolly in 1997, the first cloned animal from an adult cell and the first cloned mammal (Wilmut et al., 1997).
Through classroom experiences, workshops, publications and courses they have guided teachers to be highly successful using Project Approach strategies.
In the area of social media, we've been very successful using Instagram.
Not only is the efficacy of Vetsulin proven in clinical trials, Vetsulin also offers veterinary practitioners the added security and confidence that comes from over 20 years of successful use by veterinarians worldwide (under the brand names Vetsulin ® and Caninsulin ®).
A surgical approach developed by ENT surgeons at LSU Health New Orleans to perform thryroidectomies without scarring the neck appears to be just as successful using standard surgery.
Capcom's advice to players who can't successful use matchmaking is to try getting online through a different means.
«I don't think more than perhaps one in 100 investors will be successful using timing....
To be more successful using Twitter as a resource for professional support and connections, find a few key professionals in your field who are influential and offer great links.
However, cryptocurrency also has many successful use cases beyond trading and storing for long - term investments, a strategy the blockchain community calls «hodling.»
Perhaps two blog posts using the same video is a faux paux but I thought it's worth listening to somebody who has been so successful using computerized trading systems.
Or the ignorance of the population may work against successful use of contraceptives even when people desire to stop having children.
Who will be most successful using black radishes and mini ice cream cones in the final test?
Sydney has the same issues... and if it helps any, we've been very successful using homeopathy with her (from a homeopath).
The general and otolaryngology surgeons at Floating Hospital are typically successful using this procedure.
Three things have caused this: the apparently successful use of tests in the early 1980s to improve productivity in organisations such as British Leyland, aggressive marketing of tests by various big and small consultancies, and the pressure on personnel department staff to copy their peers.
To pick another example, WADA has announced that it has developed a test for gene doping, in which athletes could inject themselves with specific genes to improve muscle - building or endurance — in spite of the fact that, to date, there has been no known successful use of gene - doping techniques.
It» sTo make free online dating even more successful use matching technology.
And the equally successful use of covert surveillance by Elizabeth's ruthlessly loyal minister, Walsingham (Geoffrey Rush reprising his role, though less demonically) in catching the captive Queen of Scots in a web of her own intrigue?
Many time - tested, parent - loved, teacher - created models are in successful use around the province doing the job they were designed for — informing parents of the progress of their child and outlining ways for home and school to support that learning.
Districts are successful using less bandwidth employing expensive equipment and skilled technical expertise.
Not only should your cover design be successful using different title lengths and images, but more importantly, it must create a look or brand that'll easily identify all future books as being part of the same series.

Phrases with «successful use»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z