Sentences with phrase «successive phases»

The editors identify four successive phases of business organization.
The works will be presented in chronological order highlighting four successive phases of production.
It prehends both the eternal objects and the temporal entities in its past in terms of this aim, and in successive phases of its own becoming it fashions a new creative Synthesis which is itself.
Comparing God's envisagement at successive phases of the temporal process would reveal different qualitative levels.
For Spinoza and emerging critical Protestants, the Jahwist was one of several successive phases of better — or worse — history writing to be detected below the surface of the biblical narrative.
In the Aristotelian scheme growth and development are primarily the unfolding of principles in successive phases, each phase of which is itself substantial reality; a squirrel killed before reproducing is no less a substance because it ceased to exist before fulfilling the final cause of being a squirrel.
These stages are entrained at successive phases and are aligned in a sequence that reflects evolutionary growth.
In speaking of «parts» of the Galilean ministry we refer not to successive phases of Jesus» work but merely to more or less distinct portions of the narrative, sometimes marked by the insertion of collections of sayings and sometimes arbitrarily divided for convenience in presentation.
In response to this concern, it is said that the Boisi group is only taking the initiative in a restructuring of the governance of the Catholic Church that will, in its successive phases, expand to include democratically elected representation at every level of the Church's life.
In order to insure interaction between the subjective aim and other feelings, Whitehead invokes consideration of «the successive phases of the concrescence (PR 224G).
This subjective aim, in its successive modifications, remains the unifying factor governing the successive phases of inter-play between physical and conceptual feelings.
For instance, consider these remarkable examples of scientific knowledge: the sphericity of the earth (XXXIX, 5), the formation of rain (XXX, 48), fertilization by the wind (XV, 22), the aquatic origin of all living creatures (XXI, 30), the duality in the sex of plants and other creatures, then unknown (XXXVI, 35), the collective life of animals (VI, 38), the mode of life of the bees (XVI, 69), the successive phases of the child in his mother's womb (XXII, 5; XXIII, 14).
Apparently, satisfactions are related to the successive phases in God's becoming as they are related to temporal actual occasions, and not as they are related to successive phases of the becoming of such occasions.
It is that, to be sure, because we have no direct experiential evidence for the successive phases of concrescence, and can not expect that they will suddenly emerge under the powerful gaze of some yet - to - be-invented scientific instrument.
nor do the later 1.8 and 2.0 lie in its future, for all these successive phases are equally co-present with one another.
To analyze the successive phases of that argumentation and to describe the tests set up would be superfluous.
But during the successive phases of the occasion's self - actualization, as it compares and harmonizes the data it has received from the world, it also modifies and adapts its subjective aim.
I draw Merleau - Ponty's notion of ambiguity into comparison with Whitehead's adventure and investigate the presence of both in the successive phases of the concrescence of an actual occasion.
«2 An emergent universe is an evolutionary one in which each successive phase adds something qualitatively new.
Once this development culminated in the product of the successive phases of clinical trials, for a provision of patients.
For professional sports that utilize weights in their training, which is most sports these days, each phase has different objectives and each successive phase builds on the previous one.
Some may argue that assigning hard and fast cut off dates to the successive phases is limiting.
Beginning in 2006, EU Kids Online, with the support of the European Commission's (EC) Safer Internet Program, has in three successive phases of work sought to enhance knowledge of children's experiences and practices regarding risks and safety on the Internet.
(a) the developer files a phase disclosure statement under section 15.1 [phase disclosure statements] before marketing development units in the successive phase;
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