Sentences with phrase «such a boost»

I absolutely love the idea of adding millet to banana bread, it gives such a boost nutritionally.
We can not assess whether such a boost will occur or not, but if it does, it will build on the existence of a large group who indeed want such a change.
Such a boost in the average teacher's effectiveness would be larger than the improvement the typical teacher experiences in their first three years on the job.
Winning the competition has been such a boost for the school and the children involved... This has turned what was easily a very rewarding experience, into something much more enriching and far - reaching.»
She pinkie - promised me, and it was such a boost of confidence.
The reason Keynesianism got such a boost post-crisis was not for any real - world examples of its success — the list of its failures, by contrast, is lengthy — but because of the assertion, accepted far too quickly with far too little evidence, that monetary policy, at the fabled Zero Lower Bound (interest rates of near zero) had lost its effectiveness.
Such boosting cultures contain C57BL / 6 antigen presenting cells that could back stimulate the γ - irradiated BALB / c T cells used in the culture system, resulting in the release of cytokines, such as interferon - γ.
In any case, the researchers argue such a boost in classroom engagement could be a stepping stone that may eventually lead to boosts in long - term academic outcomes.
Advancing equity may also be the goal of recent calls — from some state policymakers and others — to boost LCFF funding further, but exactly how such a boost is provided could unintentionally undermine this goal.
But if, like us, the size and feel of the Mini is of most importance, it offers such a boost in performance and display quality, it's worth the upgrade.
The great games that gave Microsoft such a boost during this past holiday season can not be acredited to Phil, as they were all projects that were signed off before he took charge.
This statement that we received this morning is a bit of a shock to hear, as the benchmark cheating puts the device into a state which is explicitly not how the device will run in day to day usage, and it is representing performance that you will not see in other apps that aren't specifically targetted by such boosts.
This is why our builder is such a boost as you are able to build that perfectly targeted resume in just a few minutes allowing you to be able to pick and choose your applications knowing that you have a better chance of getting an interview.
What this means for you: It's expected that some companies should be increasing seasonal hiring around the holiday season, but it's especially good news for seasonal job seekers to see such a boost in hiring from 2014.
Reminding your spouse how much you appreciated that morning cup of coffee or miss the compliments he used to give you — just mentioning all the little things that went such a long way but have now fallen by the wayside — really could give your marriage such a boost.
Peter Mandelson allegedly devised the disastrous «I agree with Nick» tactic for the televised leader debates, that gave such a boost to the Lib Dems.
Governments, in collaboration with industry, can play a determinant role in developing policy and regulatory mechanisms that unlock the private finance necessary for such a boost in investment.
Such a boost to labour productivity can occur even if labour and capital resources are used no more efficiently than before.
Wonderful recipes, your blog is giving me such a boost, Jesica!
Chelsea's squad had no creativity in it before Fabregas joined, that's why he gave them such a boost.
a win would be such a boost.
I love working on my own, but very occasionally it can feel a bit lonely, and the support and feedback from my amazing customers and Facebook followers gives me such a boost.
After sleepless nights the Morning Wellness Spray (formerly Happy Mama Spray) was such a boost in the morning.
Its amazing how just one day off can give you such a boost.
Knowing that your posts are actually being read and enjoyed by others can give you such a boost and if they've found your posts helpful, well that's even better!
You progress the same way you do on the original version, it has all of the weapon specific combos, all the buttons make sense, every single monster is present, the kitchen and farm function the same, and it gave me such a boost in my Monster Hunter skill.
Although it might sound small, such a boost in the average teacher's effectiveness would be larger than the improvement the typical teacher experiences in their first three years on the job, as they are just learning to teach.
However, such boosts are temporary says PC Gamer.
But for the ever - changing field of information technology (IT), can such boost your resume and your chances for a job even after a hiatus?
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