Sentences with phrase «such a confidence booster»

It's such a confidence booster when you wear your favorite outfits.
It's such a wonderful feeling when someone loves your work enough to want to buy it and such a confidence booster, too!
Breastfeeding Class and Lactaction Consultants: Taking a breastfeeding class from a certified lactaction consultant was such a confidence booster.
This has been such a wonderful experience, such a confidence booster, so much so I felt like a winner regardless of the outcome of the BodyBlitz challenge.
Confidence: Walking into the gym knowing that you are going to crush a workout is such a confidence booster.
This includes, sadly, saying goodbye to my beloved lace up brown boots that have always been such a confidence booster... but that's enough about that.
Little things like realising colour wasn't my thing and accepting that about myself were such a confidence booster.
It is such a confidence booster.
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