Sentences with phrase «such a decree»

There are several steps you must take before the court can issue such a decree, including serving notice on your spouse and taking parenting classes in some cases.
Apparently such a decree had never come from the royal court before.
The GOD of all Gods and their gods and every goddess is the One that created from nothing - «the all of everything» which is Life's embodiments from the very of smallness toward the lusty of allness for such a decree is GOD!
(b) make such decrees as the judge or Federal Magistrates Court thinks appropriate, including a decree affirming, reversing or varying the award.
The procedure for such a decree is outlined in Kansas statutes and provides for the same type of property division and financial arrangements between spouses that a divorce offers.
In a statement issued on Wednesday, the commissioner said the government does not have the authority to issue such a decree, not to mention the fact that it would be impossible to enforce without policing users» internet connections.
Such decrees have been cited by Venezuela prosecutors as a means of extracting bribes in some recent PDVSA corruption cases.
If you have such a decree, you will need to file your tax return on paper and attach the relevant pages of the divorce decree, including the first page and the signature page.
I.R.C. Section 71 (b)(2) defines a divorce or separation instrument as: «(A) a decree of divorce or separate maintenance or a written instrument incident to such a decree, (B) a written separation agreement, or (C) a decree... requiring a spouse to make payments for the support or maintenance of the other spouse.»
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