Sentences with phrase «such a drop»

If our economy was not diversified, the impact of such a drop in commodity prices would be devastating — similar to 1980s.
It was the first such drop since the end of 2009.
Should we expect such a drop over the coming year or two?
If such a drop were to occur today, when grain stocks are seriously depleted, there would be panic in the world grain market.
The monitoring device alerts the driver when such drop in tire pressure is detected.
Such a drop in serotonin has a tendency to stimulate an urge to eat more carbohydrate - rich foods.
Even the Great Depression didn't see such drops in housing prices.
it is AMAZING that you accomplished creating such a drop dead gorgeous home, given the original decor scheme.
Yesterday, Feb. 6, Litecoin founder Charlie Lee tweeted about the overall volatility of the crypto markets and the benefits of staying bullish in the long - term, noting «Those that can withstand such a drop without flinching are the ones with lambos eventually.
Those that can withstand such a drop without flinching are the ones with lambos eventually.
Such a drop from his projected peak would take the S&P 500 down as much as 20 %, a drop that hasn't occurred since the summer of 2011.
If the final result remained this way or improved to Burnley's favour, such dropped points by Chelsea can only be to the overall benefit of Arsenal to become the Champions of this season's PL campaign.
But it's notable since it's the first such drop noted in more than two decades, and Americans» life expectancy is already lower than that of other developed nations like Canada, France, and Germany.
The company's stock has plummeted 9 % in just two days — its biggest such drop in more than two years — and now investors find themselves at a crucial juncture.
By switching your body from using carbs as its primary fuel to burning fats instead, or becoming «fat adapted,» you virtually eliminate such drops in energy levels.
First, the majority of market corrections are between 10 per cent to 15 per cent, so this strategy, relative to owning ABC outright, can protect against such a drop.
Its look will be familiar to users of LG's G3 smartphone, whose interface is designed along a similar set of circular motifs and also includes such drop - down notes for incoming calls and messages.
the second such drop in as many months.
And if I had continued to do free promotions in KDP Select I might have not seen such a drop in income.
It's astonishing how so few ingredients can create such a drop - dead - delicious (yet healthy!)
This scheme was obviously best suited for having a healthy Berry and Nelson on the field and was not expecting such a drop off in DJ's play, especially on the mental side of things.
If such a drop in CO2 level caused the cooling in Antarctica, then why did the Northern Hemisphere not start its Ice Age for another 31 million years?
In Silicon Valley, the percentage of immigrant - founded companies has declined by 8.5 percent since 2005, the first such drop in recent history.
«It's really encouraging to see such a drop in consumption of bottled water among young people, because as they grow up, the overall market is definitely going to decline further,» says Jon Dee, the managing director of activist group Do Something!
«It is unclear what will happen to the valuation of the shares if Bitcoin's price tanks,» he says, but adds that such a drop will cause less efficient miners to leave the market.
Such a drop in sales velocity often precedes a slump in average prices.
Such a drop of points to Man Utd could be punishd by Leicester, Spurs and even Man City as they may win their games to force Arsenal down the Premier League ladder.
Last week, Gary Neville wrote about the decline in defending and the disappearing art of stopping goals; Sánchez, a hyperactive harrier of back fours, is the ideal player to take advantage of any such drop in standards.
Such drop - ins are a practice he's made a habit of to further collaboration with leading colleagues in the field.
Such a drop in gnu numbers could affect the entire Serengeti, since the animals are a staple for predators and industrious ecosystem engineers, said Ricardo Holdo, a community ecologist at the University of Missouri, Columbia, who was the lead author.
Such a drop in pH, says Feely, «would increase the acidity of the ocean by about 100 % to 150 %.
Such a drop in standards will even damage the policymakers» own reputations.
Such a drop would be temporary.
Yet, even if closing the cards were to hurt your score through increased utilization, not only would any such drop only be temporary, as I described above, but the saving of $ 200 per month in interest will do your finances a lot more good than a few more short - term points on your credit score.
Such a drop in earnings is unlikely for a company like this, which further insulates the dividend.
@UKRsoldja there is no such drop to 2304x129 because that's not a resolution.
Interestingly, the red ones get to display a touch more tenacity by way of walking in the direction of the player after landing from such a drop.
Well it's completely academic at this point because we haven't seen a significant drop in temperatures, and given that (as JCH points out below) we have already experienced a significant solar minimum in recent years without such a drop it would appear to be highly unlikely that it will be happen.
No such drop occured (Wielicki 2007).
Such drops in the payback period boost the use of GPUs for mining and could result in continued strength for GPU sales.
It's so much of an improvement, and such a drop in price, that it's a rare case where we'd recommend upgrading even if you have the original model.
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