Sentences with phrase «such a good movie»

Picture and sound are excellent, but it's a fairly disappointing DVD treatment for such a good movie.
From the director of such good movies, Aloha is one big disappointment.
Because it is copying such a good movie so well, Red Dragon comes across as halfway decent.
We were the only ones in the theater so it was kind of surreal, but, yes, such a good movie.
I mean, it is such a good movie, trust me dude, you need to grab a protein bar and watch it right away.
Such a good movie.
It was such a good movie!
The craft behind it, the good storytelling, the wonderful performances — those are the things that make it such a good movie.
Man, this is such a good movie.
This approach from Gerwig is what makes «Lady Bird» such a good movie.
I think this would be such a good movie.
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