Sentences with phrase «such a large margin»

The area had been expected to vote out, but not by such a large margin.
Note that this argument only holds for when the customer knows in advance what the exchange rate would be, for cases where it is calculated afterwards I have not found any valid excuse for such large margins (except that it allows them to offer other services at a lower price because these transaction).
Personally I would be amazed if we break our wage structure by such a large margin, although it may seem obvious that if we want to keep pace with the big boys then we have to match the wages that stars if they go elsewhere, especially as we are a club that doesn't really win too many trophies.
But, here's the thing — if you stay with this type of program for a 12 months or so, by the end of the year you may have increased your strength by such a large margin that you'll wish you training this way from the very beginning of your training career!
Though it's probably shocking to see the SGX 540 outperform Nvidia's ULP GeForce by such a large margin, remember that GLBenchmark tests at a device's native resolution.
While pre-season outlooks rarely, if ever, have pinpoint accuracy, they don't usually miss by such a large margin.
More than anything else, the oilsands explain why Canada is projected to miss its 2020 target by such a large margin.
«It is extremely rare for an area the size of the U.S. to break an annual average temperature record by such a large margin,» Weather Underground meteorologist Jeff Masters wrote on Tuesday.
* Note: Occasionally, the reason GEICO was able to beat its competition by such a large margin was because the other insurers required slightly more coverage than the state mandated.
And since they were winning by such a large margin, a lot of people left the game early - so we ended up sitting really close to the field for the entire 4th quarter.
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