Sentences with phrase «such a low value»

There is a reason that the team that did end up trading for him got him for such low value.
As a designer I'm disappointed to see such low value being placed on cover design.
As a Canadian, you'll be hard pressed to find ANY lender willing to finance you on a property with such a low value, let alone 100 % of it.
The method used to calculate such low values of climate sensitivity fails to include important regional dynamics in the climate response, and this has been shown to bias it toward low values.
Buying at such a low value maximizes the upside and minimizes the downside.
First, such a low value makes the Universe about 20 billion years old, whereas even the low end of the accepted range for the Hubble constant gives an age of 15 billion years at the most.
Since BCH was trading at such a low value relative to Bitcoin (as low as 0.06 BTC at one point), this made mining BCH unprofitable.
It surprises me that as a believer you should have such a low value of the bible in this regard.
Thermal coal is of such low value that any reasonable coal pollution price will put it out of biz as a fuel source.
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