Sentences with phrase «such a major problem»

Is there any heating problem or any other such major problem with any of them.
Sometimes in many cases parents are found to be guilty on such major problems in society.
While it's hard to imagine XOM or JNJ running into financial problems and having to cut the dividend, it was also difficult for many investors to imagine Kodak, Sears or GM running into such major problems.
Why are fleas such a major problem in Florida?Unlike our Northern neighbors, Floridians rarely get help killing fleas from Mother Nature.Fleas thrive in 80 - degree weather with 70 percent humidity.
Since elder abuse has become such a major problem in the United States, all 50 states now have laws against elder abuse.
We don't want to just hand over $ 35.4 million when there are such major problems with the contract.
This is such a major problem that Startup Genome identified «premature scaling» as the number one cause of startup failure.
The injuries are such a major problem, and I don't believe that we do as much as we could to prevent them.
It's a little embarrassing that a game with such a major problem would have been released, but hey, it was 1987, and every videogame had massive technological limitations, this just happened to be one that pushed them a little too far.
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