Sentences with phrase «such a paradox»

One such paradox in insomnia is that by staying up later, you might actually fall asleep faster and sleep better.
Such a paradox from what I've read about D's reported benefits.
There is such paradox in the word, such death.
It is unfair to the first, fourth or 13th century Christians to assume that they were ignorant of such paradox.
Where we disagree is that conclusion leads me to realize the non-existence of god since the existence of a good omnipotent god that created us in his image is an obvious logical fallacy; you, on the other - hand prefer to take that information and suspend your rational abilities to allow yourself to continue to believe such a paradox.
When confronting such a paradox, scientists have only a few options: Question the data, question the theory, or invent something new, maybe even something invisible, to explain the effect.
We are spared such paradoxes because the rules of quantum physics seem confined to subatomic objects — in the human - scale world, a cat is either alive or dead.
One way around such paradoxes can be found in extremely sophisticated virtual - reality machines (think of a holodeck), programmed to replicate a past time and place in such detail that it is indistinguishable from a real past (which one can never know in full in any case).
So how are we to account for such paradoxes?
Before the Fall, there existed no such paradox.
But can such a paradox be conceived?
In a sense, however, the existence of such a paradox is not exactly earth - shattering.
Such paradoxes are what led Stephen Hawking to propose his «chronology protection conjecture».
But a new analysis using the «many worlds» interpretation, which says that each possible outcome of a quantum event exists in its own world, shows that black holes present no such paradoxes.
This is why the idea of enlightenment is such a paradox: the closer toward this elusive concept we move, the more elusive we realize it truly is.
In its aim to revitalise Craxton's reputation, the exhibition revels in such paradox.
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