Sentences with phrase «such a riot»

Where else can you find such a riot of yellow, blue, green, red, brown and pink all in the one spot?
To follow up, the government will apparently be meeting with representatives from Facebook, Twitter and BlackBerry to discuss their «responsibilities» during such riots.
I had such a riot at the Guilt & Shame Conference, I signed up for more counseling.
Guess Pres.Obama should ask who's interest was to spark such a riot... knowingly that is inexcusable act for some pretending to bring peace in to the area...!
How, moreover, could anyone have imagined (and yet how could we ever have failed to know) that so elementary a strategic problem as serially advancing or prematurely stopping the runner could generate such a riot of intricate tactical possibilities in any given instant of the game?
And her husband, bless him, is such a riot as he purposely keeps asking her questions, trying to see what funny thing she'll say next, such as calling her Pops, «passionate aggressive,» or saying she'll jab her husband in the eye if he doesn't have enough space for footage of their Angel.
As London and other cities in the nation recover, officials and the public may be left wondering how to prevent such rioting in the first place.
The big night is almost upon us — and thank Faye Dunaway for making last year such a riot.
The steering is precise but not overly feelsome and there's not the real sense of adjustability that makes the best hot hatches such a riot.
There isn't much that is off limits here, and it's this wild gameplay that makes MFL such a riot to play.
Mind you, the Murcie's interior is such a riot of Italian stylistic braggadocio that you feel compelled to sit there for a few minutes just to take it all in.
I love the vlogs because you are such a riot!
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