Sentences with phrase «such a routine»

I find it very irritating in a way because it's become such a routine.
Currently only outstanding schools are exempt from such routine inspections which usually happen for all other schools every five years.
Think about how such routines might work at your business.
I have such a routine now of making this bread twice a week, I could do it in my sleep!
It's time to follow such routine to reach your 2017 health goals and stay fit forever.
Now, although such a routine (as the one described above) can be useful for making minor tweaks to established muscles, it is rarely beneficial for beginners.
Especially new and struggling traders can benefit from such a routine because it helps them to finally understand where their problems are.
But very few do it or know how to implement such a routine.
While such a routine driven life may seem boring to humans, it helps cats feel safe and confident.
Trickle Down Effect Large law firms were the first to use AI for such routine tasks as contract review and e-discovery.
«Rooster's improbable injury during such a routine activity exemplifies the purpose of the Hambone Award and highlights the incredible work veterinary staff members do to save our four - legged family members.
In this study, during such routine endoscopies, physicians injected the substance secretin intravenously, to fool the pancreas into believing the stomach contains food that the pancreas needs to help digest.
With such routines as singing, reading and rocking which they are very good at; however, the child should not be treated to this every time and they must sleep even without them.
Shapiro is one of the co-founders of LegalZoom, an online tech resource for people seeking solutions to such routine legal matters as pre-nuptial agreements, trademark registrations and much more.
Liverpool use a zonal marking style of defense when defending such routines and this will not have been lost on O'Neill.
Are such routine adjustments to the DOJ succession list normal, or should they prompt scrutiny of the changes?
Neuroimaging for headaches is frequently ordered by physicians during outpatient visits, despite guidelines that recommend against such routine procedures.
WHY is he wasting valuable time on such routine, retread slop as this?
When building routines for simple tasks like gathering materials, self - starting new tasks, taking risks, and rebounding from mistakes, I use Responsive Classroom's interactive modeling, a widely accepted practice for not only showing students how to perform routines, but also helping them understand why such routines are important.
As educators, we need to uncover the various thinking routines that will support students as they go about this kind of intellectual work, or enact new ones if such routines are not readily present in our practice.
Designed approaches, however, could be used regardless of the tool; you can utilize post-its or other materials which will help you to bring such a routine of opening minds for new Training and Development approaches to the table.
The sounds of humpbacks blowing have become such a routine part of our acoustic scene that we are no longer surprised; we are however, always charmed.
It's easy to hate on airlines because flying has become such a routine form of travel for the masses that it often does feel like bus service.
During one such routine excavation, Luchs happens upon a beautiful maiden encased inside a massive crystal.
Schapperle, president of the Hawaii Insurers Council, said that the proposed rule would prohibit many of the activities now done by property and casualty insurers, including such routine tasks as preparing auto insurance policies.
Otherwise why would breakout group sessions at larger firm retreats be such a routine event?
Even such routine lease issues as payments for tenant improvements are getting more attention, says Brad Kaplan with Ulmer & Berne LLP in Cincinnati.
AHDN shows the band constantly Putting On a Show Right Here, and demonstrating the time - honored craft of Making It All Look Easy — a craft that the film celebrates even while it highlights the fakery in such routines.
Unfortunately, because it is such a routine task, many people take a cavalier attitude toward driving and routinely engage in conduct that compromises their ability to react to road conditions.
Such a routine will not work for all of us, but the point is to have a routine, and to know when your best writing and thinking hours are, and in the other hours, do things that both stimulate and stretch the brain in new and creative directions.
First, I would like to say (if you did nt already posted it) to post some article liek this one or analysis and your opinions on aesthetics kind of approach to workout and such routines.
Such routines are also excellent for fat loss (by creating a metabolic furnace) if you have unwanted body fat.
There is little scientific evidence that such routines can improve exercise performance, reduce delayed - onset muscular soreness or prevent injuries.
Some may view these contracts as such a routine and insignificant part of daily life that they don't grasp the dangers of failing to read «the fine print» — or any print.
Such routine and comfort will be here soon, as IA acceptance and use continue to accelerate.
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