Sentences with phrase «such a simple concept»

They also have trouble with visual and linguistic symbolism, even with such simple concepts as same versus different and more versus less.
It seemed like such a simple concept to me — it feels better to not be covered in urine than to be covered in urine.
The game is more fun than it has any right to be, because it's just such a simple concept executed in a very good way.
It's such a simple concept as Wonder shows us just how easy it can be compared to the energy and effort it takes to be awful to another human being.
It seems like such a simple concept, but finding the perfect one is next to impossible.
Geometric ShapesShapes seem like such a simple concept for students to grasp.Common Core is asking students to not only name ~ but describeshapes by...
Rocket League blasts onto the scene with such a simple concept that I'm dumbfounded it hasn't been done to death by a thousand developers already.
SMITH: Home is a beautiful book that revolves around such a simple concept, yet it invites children to think broadly and creatively with its questions of who?
But the developers at Idol Minds have done something truly amazing with Pain by taking such a simple concept and turning it into a downloadable game that is worth putting some time into.
Sadly, it takes a maddening amount of detail to tell how this group is interconnected in its efforts to manipulate us into believing such a simple concept.
I know a lot of smaller PR firms who really «get» the power of social media, but the importance of canvassing even a small subset of varied opinions seems such a simple concept even for traditional PR.
It's baffling how such a simple concept as «defend the tower» could be messed up by poor camera placement.
«It is strange that some experienced journalists don't understand such a simple concept and do not guide those who are perhaps distracted.»
It seems like such a simple concept that we are taught even at a young age.
At the time, it struck me as such a simple concept, so why would anyone not get it?
Oh, such a simple concept but a stunning salad that is delicious, I'm sure.
It's such a simple concept — not wasting food and giving it back to people who need it the most!
It's such a simple concept and yet I have not made anything similar, at least in a long time.
it's such a simple concept, yet, I never really thought much of it too!
Such a simple concept and, yet, it's so easy to forget how important it is.
This is such a simple concept, and we're glad to see someone put this into practice at a low price ($ 10).
«Although we had to develop new ways to process 3D printable plastics with good optical performance, develop inexpensive refractive index - matching fluids and come up with highly reflective optical structures, the innovation here is mostly in recognizing that such a simple concept could work,» said Goossen.
And it just so happens that I'm talking about a topic that is a huge deal to me: Loving yourself is such a simple concept but how many people actually take it to heart?
It's such a simple concept, but one that's difficult to display consistently every day.
It's such a simple concept but done so well!
Its such a simple concept — but it makes a huge impact, Whitaker told Education World.
But recess is not P.E. Recess is such a simple concept it can't be privatized.
Such a simple concept and awareness of his students» lives beyond his calculus and algebra classes resulted in improved scores once AP Exam time rolled around.
The idea of giving someone a stock gift card is great for younger people who are use to such simple concepts, rather than wading through the process of opening a brokerage account.
Tamagotchi is such a simple concept.
At its very basic tho, it's such a simple concept to grasp that anyone can jump into it, which is what makes it so popular, I feel.
It's such a simple concept, but one that actually excels as a video game and just feels so damn good to play.
Despite being such a simple concept, the Minecraft franchise has earned billions of dollars and became one of the biggest selling games of all time.
The Wii was such a simple concept; if you could waft your arms, you could play a game.
I find it amazingly frustrating that such simple concepts are so hard for climate deniers to understand.
Such a simple concept that has been lost in modern smartphones for the sake of tricking the consumer into buying a new phone more often.
It is such a simple concept, yet we all at times can be guilty of overlooking its inherent value.
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