Sentences with phrase «such a simple question»

It seems like such a simple question, but what comes out of the applicant's mouth on the spot probably isn't what the interviewer wants to hear.
It sounds like such a simple question, but only one in five people taking our online quiz knows the answer.
It's such a simple question when we're kids, and we answer it with enthusiasm and archetypal answers.
It seems like such a simple question: Do patients whose tumors shrink more in response to targeted treatment go on to have better outcomes than patients whose tumors shrink less?
By asking two such simple questions, a manager can discover how best to motivate his employees, persuade his customers, and support its shareholders.
For a long time, this conjecture seemed no more than a historical curiosity — it has no direct applications outside pure mathematics — but it was such a simple question that mathematicians found themselves irresistibly drawn to it.
What seemed like such a simple question was convoluted at best.
Such a simple question; such a complicated answer, ha.
It's such a simple question.
Dear Glenn, It sounds like such a simple question.
It's such a simple question, but one that often leaves many discerning photographer confused and overwhelmed, but how do you choose the right lens for your camera?
It seems such a simple question, but all I ever hear or read is some lame avoidance of a real answer.
It's a disturbing sign of our times that such a simple question can trigger a political storm — especially because the answer will save lives and money.
It seems such a simple question — asked and re-asked: If the reconstructions can not be trusted to report the temperatures we think we know by instrumental means, why should we trust them for anything else?
In her note to me forwarding the e-mails, she describes Janning's reply as «perhaps the most arrogant and rude email I have ever received to such a simple question
It seems like such a simple question, but the secret to building a high - performing team -LSB-...]
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