Sentences with phrase «such a small thing»

I know that seems like such a small thing but I believe «from small things, great things can come about».
Isn't it funny how such small things make us so happy?
I can't believe anyone in their right mind could begin to defend trading in a console because of such a small thing.
It is so amazing and strange at the same time to realize how much inspiration you can draw from such small things as the cherry blossom trees.
You wouldn't think such a small thing could make such a big difference but it does.
It is easy to forget to change such a small thing, but you shouldn't wait until you're applying for a new job.
«I know that seems like such a small thing, but I believe «from small things, great things can come about,»» she continued.
It's amazing how such a small thing has become so critical in our day - to - day routine with the babies.
How is it you can not see the truth is such a small thing as Global Warming.
Stella McCartney said: «After five exciting years since the launch of MFM, we thank you for all your support and encourage more change, so we can do such a small thing for such a huge cause!
We don't normally eat something so frequently in one day, but they were so excited about the wraps & I opted to splurge today... such a small thing brings so much joy!
Funny really to be such a ninny over such a small thing after what my body and I had been through only a matter of moments before!
Until now, scientists haven't detected any planets outside of our own Milky Way Galaxy — it's simply been too difficult to discern such small things from so far away.
i can really picture myself connecting such a small thing to my tv using a wire stuck in front of the tv trying to play a movie!
Normally I wouldn't bother with a post about such a small thing, but, I've got a bit of free time on my hands (as I glare at an avalanche of paper and a burned out shredder in my home office).
It's humbling to be able to give such a small thing that will make such a difference in the lives of a whole community.
Moving the settee is such a small thing compared to time spent together.
«I know that seems like such a small thing, but I believe «from small things, great things can come about,»» «I know that fasting and praying bring about miracles, [where God will give us the better person to govern our country for the next four years -RCB-!»
More important to Nadar than making grand advancements in the field of photography (though he certainly did so, with his groundbreaking experiments in aerial and subterranean image making) is preserving the transient memory of otherwise trivial details, for it is the sum of such small things that constitutes a life.
It's funny how such a small thing can lead to such a big adventure!
It's such a small thing but I think it can be such a profound thing, like fasting itself.
From The Author: «One - pot pasta recipes have been making their way into our kitchens with increasing regularity over the past few years, and with good reason — it seems like such a small thing, but nixing that big pot...»
They are such small things, but could mean the world to the new parents.
This was such a small thing but felt like such a big breastfeeding victory!
It doesn't seem like such a small thing would make a difference but it makes a huge difference.
«I won't say that man's activity never ever caused the release of seismic stress, but hydro - fracks are such small things,» Keller adds.
It's such a small thing to do, but it sets a healthy tone for my whole day.
I agree — such a small thing can make all the difference!
«Even to see natural black hair in a movie like that, it sounds like such a small thing, but it's a game - changer.»
How could such small things — men, birds, gold iPhones — be such representatives of power when the landscape itself all but swallows them?
This is such a small thing to go cheap on.
Such a small thing, can it really be so important?
It seems like such a small thing, but people who already have renters insurance tend to be people who take responsibility — exactly what a landlord wants.
It seems like such a small thing to help a shelter cat find a loving home, but it's really a big thing.
Supervising the children seems like such a small thing to do in return for all the benefits for having pets in our lives.
For such a small thing he fought very hard to get well yet his body just couldn't do it.
Failing to gets me cranky, such a small thing I know, but lucky for me this title has auto save so thank those gaming gods.
But this is such a small thing that I still rate this a five star game.
It's such a small thing, but I have always loved how Chrono Cross let me rotate the party lead in place.
It seems such a small thing, and yet this is often the first interaction a client may have of your firm «in real life».
It seems like such a small thing, but people who already have renters insurance tend to be people who take responsibility — exactly what a landlord wants.
It may seem like such a small thing, but Google has taken time to clean up and organize the Settings screen in Oreo.
He asked me, «Is it possible that such a small thing is so significant in our relationship?»
It is such a small thing, but has such a great impact on the family.
Such a small thing that makes a huge difference in functionality.
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