Sentences with phrase «such a tag»

While it may be too early for such tags, Isak has many of Europe's top dogs calling his name.
Bob Newman at the University of Wolverhampton in the UK recently led a European Union «Farm to Fork» project to use such tags in food labels, allowing consumers to check where their food comes from.
Yet his expressed beliefs, as well as the fascinating story of his life, belied such tags.
Such tags alter gene activity without changing the information in genes.
We also will evaluate different ways to tag data sets and integrate such tagging into our peer - review process.»
But Deng and his team have also developed another version with a small battery, which enables such a tag to beep more regularly and even if a fish is resting.
To get close enough to sharks to be able to attach such tags to the dorsal fin, the scientists use the chumming process, which consists of dumping a mixture of water, fish oil, and mashed parts of sardines in the water.
The plaintiff argued Zipcar didn't qualify, based largely on its own advertising, in which it goes to great lengths to distinguish itself from car rental companies, using such tag lines as «Car rental is so last century,» and «You could rent a car (but that would be silly).»
Although I'm no ITK, I wouldn't want to embarrass myself with such a tag, it was clear to me that he was too happy for a player who had been denied his dream move.
Such tags, costing just a few cents, carry a small, non-powered chip that, when hit by radio waves from a nearby «reader,» converts some of the radio energy into its own radio pulse in return.
For example if you searched for #ohmtygodthatdonkeyjusttotallydidthat then you'd be teamed up with other people using that tag, although I'm willing to admit that such a tag might be rare.
One such tag that gamers will often see with titles on a digital store front is the early access tag.
There is no such tag and I am told I can not create one until my reputation is at least 150.]
Such tags are usually placed in different sections of the building, including:
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z