Sentences with phrase «such a telescope»

European radio astronomers were the first to outline the basic rationale for such a telescope over ten years ago.
Eventually such a telescope will get built — and if the pace of discovery remains as rapid as it is now, that day will come sooner rather than later.
The scientific potential of such a telescope is astonishing and will certainly enable European astronomers of the 21st century to add to the long list of fundamental discoveries made by their predecessors in the previous century.
Franck Marchis, an astronomer at the SETI Institute in Mountain View, California, a partner with Project Blue, says such a telescope, outfitted with a coronagraph, would be able to obtain an image.
To build such a telescope, however, one must first find another Earth it could conceivably study.
Fortunately, a team of radio astronomers led by Bill Junor at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, had access to just such a telescope: the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA).
I would love to devise such a telescope that would render the first stars ever born clearly visible and explainable.
According to the solicitation, all that NSF can provide right now is $ 1.25 million over 5 years for the development of a public - private partnership plan that could eventually lead to the building of a large telescope, should NSF be in a position to fund such a telescope sometime in the next decade.
Such telescope observations provide a better measure of the energy of the shower and are key for calibrating the array of surface detectors: By comparing the readout of the fluorescence telescopes and surface detectors on the same events, physicists can figure out how to better estimate a shower's energy from the surface detector alone.
There's still a lot of work to be done before such a telescope can be built, Grzegorczyk acknowledges.
Though such a telescope is envisioned for the 2030s, it is not too early to start planning the science needs and technological requirements.
But NuSTAR was able to pick up signs of titanium - 44, which gives off high - energy X-rays as it decays into calcium — X-ray light that can't be imaged by Chandra or other such telescopes.
This study will set the strategy for NASA for 2020s and beyond and will determine whether planning and construction of such a telescope can begin in a few years or we need to wait another decade.
Guided by the vision of finding extraterrestrial life, astronomers, astrobiologists, technologists, engineers, project managers are all working together to come up with concrete plans for such telescopes.
If you wanted to build a space telescope to see another Earth orbiting another star — in the words of Carl Sagan, another «pale blue dot» that could be searched for signs of life — how big and expensive would such a telescope be?
Such a telescope would have the light - gathering ability of 50 Hubble telescopes and the resolving power of a single mirror some half - mile across.
Such a telescope would, for the first time, enable researchers to measure radiation generated shortly after the Big Bang.
NASA is considering one such telescope, called the Joint Astrophysics Nascent Universe Satellite (JANUS), for funding this year.
Such a telescope could have three times the diameter, 10 times the light - collecting area and 80 times the near - infrared sensitivity compared to existing telescopes, assuming that it used the adaptive optics technology which
Such a telescope would use large arrays of ground - based telescopes to detect blue flashes of
Such a telescope would use large arrays of ground - based telescopes to detect blue flashes of Cerenkov radiation, which are caused by very high energy gamma - ray photons from cosmic sources smashing into the atmosphere.
Such a telescope could have three times the diameter, 10 times the light - collecting area and 80 times the near - infrared sensitivity compared to existing telescopes, assuming that it used the adaptive optics technology which eliminates the atmosphere's blur effect.
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