Sentences with phrase «such a young man»

His performance was extraordinary for such a young man.
I can see many of such young men and old women relationships at the party, in public places and markets.
Even cougar women take pleasure in dating such young men.
He's also very sure footed, for such a young man; he will be a very good player amongst what we have and given the way we play.
But as the years pass and memories fade, it becomes ever more valuable to reflect on how such a young man (he was 39 when he was killed) without official position gained so much power.
Oftentimes, such women are not able to find the proper avenues to date and meet such younger men.
To get his system (SYNAPSE it is dubbed) off the ground, he has been buying software and programmers with the bits and pieces he needs to realize his dreams, and Milo Hoffman (Phillippe) is just such a young man.
François Ozon's «In the House,» by the noted director of such gems as «Potiche» (a husband is taken hostage in a factory, his trophy wife taking the reins of the business) and «Swimming Pool» (touchy dynamics between a British mystery author and the daughter of his publisher), is about such a young man.
Theo Walcott joined Arsenal from Southampton at the tender age of 17 and came with an amazingly big reputation for such a young man, but injuries seemed to always blight his career, especially with the England team, at the wrong moments.
At the same time, there is some truth in the remark made by a very young clergyman who when rebuked by a lady in his congregation because he was such a young man that he had no business speaking so forcibly to his congregation replied, «Madam, when I put a stole around my shoulders I am two thousand years old!»
«Richard's experience, uncompromising dedication and passion for his craft make him truly deserving of this incredible honor,» states Bailey Pryor, President and CEO of Real McCoy Spirits, Corp. «This type of lifetime achievement recognition, for such a young man, is a testament to his truly unique talents.
«Dominic has done an admirable job for such a young man,» said Campbell, who converted his initial Goodison loan into a permanent deal in summer 1999 and stayed with the Blues for a further five - and - a-half years.
What a talent, so calm and composed and for such a young man he speaks way beyond his years.
His doctor diagnosed him with Peyronie's disease — a rarity for such a young man — and set him on a course of treatments that has included electrical stimulation and medicines to dissolve scar tissue
Harry Faversham (Heath Ledger) is such a young man.
A 35 - year - old former teacher, John White headed to New Orleans in late April to become superintendent of the Big Easy's Recovery School District (RSD), quite an accomplishment for such a young man.
«The community was so impressed that such a young man could lead a song, and I know this happened because we sing and honor the Tulalip people every morning at our school,» said Craig.
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