Sentences with phrase «such an awesome idea»

She has such awesome ideas for creating a boy's room.
I'll have to give it another shot - it seems like such an awesome idea!
Such an awesome idea:D Trying this next time I make avocado pudding!
That sounds like such an awesome idea and it looks so cool in all the pictures your photographer took!
I think this is an amazing company with such an awesome idea for keeping one of the most special bonds I'll ever share in a BEAUTIFUL material form!
Such awesome ideas!!
Plus we can use it for parties — such an awesome idea Bri!
Covering a table with tape is such an awesome idea for turning an old piece of furniture or a kid's play table into a rainbow kaleidoscope of color!
Thanks so much for sharing Rachel — such an awesome idea, I have to try that!
Adding avocado, such an awesome idea.
Such an awesome idea!
The potato wedges with homemade ranch is such an awesome idea.
Tons of protein, easy on your gut... such an awesome idea!
Quinoa in granola is such an awesome idea!
Such an awesome idea and your Greek Yogurt blue cheese dip sounds like the perfect friend to the chicken!
This is such an awesome idea!
It's such an awesome idea and would probably be really fun (and a lot of hard work, obviously).
Thanks, Isa, for such an awesome idea to let others know about veganism.
Such an awesome idea to add it to granola, which I am currently out of so I'll definitely be trying this one over the weekend.
Candy in chocolate chip cookies is such an awesome idea and I love that you chose Kit - kats.
This is such an awesome idea!
Thank you so much for sharing, this is such an awesome idea!
Such an awesome idea, especially for meal prepping!
Looking back this was such an awesome idea.
This is SUCH an awesome idea!
Such an awesome idea and the bracelet looks absolutely gorgeous and really luxurious Love Holly x
Such an awesome idea to start experimenting and mixing textures!
When I used the shooter mold to make these Caramel Pecan Milkshake Shooters and molded chocolate cups, one of my very kind and sweet readers loved the idea and decided to make dark chocolate cups to fill with chocolate mousse (such an awesome idea!)
Wow, this is such a awesome idea to use drop cloths as curtains.
Such an awesome idea / use for old bread!
Using the side of the cabinet with the hooks and the chalkboard menu is such an awesome idea.
These are seriously so cute and such an awesome idea!
I spotted those candles online a few month back, it's such an awesome idea.
Candy in chocolate chip cookies is such an awesome idea and I love that you chose Kit - kats.
The potato wedges with homemade ranch is such an awesome idea.
This is such an awesome idea!
Such an awesome idea and very creative!
This was such an awesome idea!
You always give me such awesome ideas!
She's definitely one of my favorite bloggers and always has such awesome ideas!
I have NEVER thought to make a wrap with collard greens, but this is SUCH an awesome idea!
These are such awesome ideas!
This is such an awesome idea!
Some really nice work here, and such an awesome idea.
Thanks for such an awesome idea.
this is such an awesome idea!
Such awesome ideas!
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