Sentences with phrase «such as myths»

Covering the breadth and scope of Warhol's prolific career, ANDY WARHOL: TALKING POP explores the legendary Pop Art icon's artistic ingenuity and importance - from his early commercial illustrations of the 1950s such as Love is a Pink Cake and Tattooed Woman Holding a Rose to his iconic portfolios such as Myths of the 1980s.
Missouri Synod theologians had traditionally affirmed the inerrancy of the Bible, and, although such a term can mean many things, in practice it meant certain rather specific things: harmonizing of the various biblical narratives; a somewhat ahistorical reading of the Bible in which there was little room for growth or development of theological understanding; a tendency to hold that God would not have used within the Bible literary forms such as myth, legend, or saga; an unwillingness to reckon with possible creativity on the part of the evangelists who tell the story of Jesus in the Gospels or to consider what it might mean that they write that story from a post-Easter perspective; a general reluctance to consider that the canons of historical exactitude which we take as givens might have been different for the biblical authors.
As far as the various forms of intellectual expression such as myth and doctrine are concerned, we may notice two different effects: they might well increase the feeling of solidarity of those bound by them, but they may also act divisively.
Other myths can be challenged by the data — such as the myth that the membership of megachurches is homogeneous, whether by race, class or politics.
Martin «Marty» O'Donnell (born May 1, 1955) is an American composer known for his work on video game developer Bungie's series, such as Myth, Oni, and Halo.
We also left ourselves open to grossly misleading claims about our policies, such as the myth that we advocated evaluating teacher performance based on test scores alone.
There are many myths about cats, such as the myth that cats steal babies» breath, or white cats make bad mothers.
«We try to debunk some of the myths, such as the myth that dogs over 20 pounds don't make suitable pets,» says Peterson.
There have been attempts in the scientific literature to correct some misconceptions, such as a myth regarding an alleged recent «slow - down» in global warming, a so - called hiatus.

Not exact matches

That is a frontal attack on the small - business - as - job - creator myth that dominates the political discourse in countries such as the United States and Canada.
Some of these myths are usually misplaced; one such myth being that retailers or ecommerce websites can not benefit from them as they are a costly affair.
Fran Hauser is a long - time media executive, startup investor and author of The Myth of the Nice Girl.Best known for her role building — one of the biggest media brands online — Hauser made the leap to early stage investing in 2014, funding and advising consumer - focused companies such as HelloGiggles, Mogul, The Wing and Gem & Bolt.
if the universe «just is», as you put it, how is «love» (or «contentment» or any such fabrication) anything but a myth and wish fulfillment?
Without such evidence there is no logical reason to live as if these unfounded imaginary beings and myths exist.
It can certainly be credited for geographical knowledge, as well as folk wisdom learned from experience, such as the proscriptions against eating shellfish or pork, but it is certainly nothing more than the recorded myths of a specific people from specific points in time.
Other Christians invoke images of persecution when someone disagrees with them on controversial issues such as abortion or birth control, says Moss, whose «The Myth of Persecution» was recently released.
It was Naomi Wolf — Third Wave feminist and author of such works as The Beauty Myth and Promiscuities, which are apparently dedicated to proving that women can tomcat, too.
Immortals such as your God or any of the other gods are myths.
Most biblical stories were adoptions of earlier myths and legends, such as the virgin birth, creation and Noah's flood.
@AtheistSteve «IImmortals such as your God or any of the other gods are myths.
And the lack of physical evidence when that evidence should be there, such as the absence of archaeological confirmation of the Exodus, can be used to reject the historicity of some biblical myths.
Having created the myth of the black's extraordinary sexual prowess, the white male interprets such a case as an affront to his ego, his virility and his property.
But MacDonald's work was not limited to fantasy and myth, he also wrote novels such as Robert Falconer and The Seaboard Parrish.
But there is no such thing as nothing but a myth.
Some people say that the Bible is nothing but a myth, but there is no such thing as «nothing» but a myth.
You are making it needlessly hard, or are perhaps just plain too stupid to understand such a simple fact as: there's no point debunking myths that virtually no one and no one at all with any real clout believes in anyway, but MUCH point in debunking myths that large numbers of people, including powerful politicians, believe should be the guiding principles for the country's entire political culture and laws.
many of the similarities between Jesus and the myths are mostly written (added) AFTER Jesus... such as Attis being «crucified» there is much evidence to show that ATtis died originally from a spear on a hunting trp... and the crucifixion was added to the story after Christ... as we seen in writings of Greek historians etc. see this page to get more info this is one of many studies out there to show the supposed similarities between Jesus and myths that debunk current opinions of those who say Christianity is a copycat of other myths
To this day, the greatest achievement of theological mediation in this direction is Bultmann's method of demythologizing, which assumes that any objective meaning of the gospel, any meaning that speaks of the world or reality as such, including the idea that the end of the world is at hand, belongs to the world of myth and not of gospel, and therein is consigned either to the premodern age of humanity or to the realm of the old Adam or «flesh» (sarx).
The more one considers this eventuality (which can not be dismissed as a myth, as certain morbid symptoms, such as Sartrian existentialism, show) the more does one tend to the view that the grand enigma presented by the phenomenon of Man is not the question of knowing how life was kindled on earth, but of understanding how it might be extinguished on earth without being continued elsewhere.
The myth of historical progress and ideological schemes such as Marxism were secularized riffs on the biblical story.
That book of myths has been confirmed in numerous archeological discoveries over time, it seem to me just as fantastic to believe it all cane from some cosmic explosion with no proven source to create such an explosion.
Much of it has been completely disproven by various sciences, such as the whole Noah myth... neeppened.
Such absolutisms included a heroic myth about U.S. history interpreted as the rise of «the successful male white Protestant, whose features were turned into ideals for the entire human race.»
However, as long as fools like you continue to display such ignorant behavior in manners, and your beliefs in myth, we will not «shut up.»
To such writers as C. G. Jung and Ananda K. Coomaraswamy the myth is an embodiment in different forms and cultures of a perennial reality, the spiritual process whereby the one becomes the many and the many returns unto the one or the psychological process whereby integration of the personality is achieved and the divine Self realized within the unconscious.
The man / men who got their stories turned into the Jesus myth were probably ancient versions of such modern people as David Koresh, Jim Jones, Charles Manson, L. Ron Hubbard, Joseph Smith, etc..
He writes concerning them: «We are dealing here, as Plato already knew, with truths such as can be communicated adequately to the generality of mankind only in the form of myths
The fact that you are unaware that the mythology of jesus is just a copy of the pagan myths before it, and the further fact that you spew such drivel as if it was fact, shows everyone on this board that your IQ is in the double digits.
Girard's primary example of such hypocrisy was the mythological (according to his elaboration of myth as the perpetrator's justifications for violence) notion of Mutual Assured Destruction of the Cold War arms race that was contemporary with the writing of his book in the late 1970s.
Many biographies of Luther, Calvin, Zwingli et al simply repeat the myths (such as Luther throwing ink at the devil, or even, dare I say it, the famous story about Luther nailing the theses to the Wittenberg door).
In such a framework, we can have «Christ without myth,» where he is understood as «the final reality of God's love that confronts us as sovereign gift and demand in all the events of our existence.»
In «Myth and Truth» he maintains that the truth of mythical utterances can be shown only by restating them in nonmythical terms.113 Yet adequately to demythologize Christian myths will require not just any nonmythological language but one, such as process philosophy provides, which can do justice to the biblical view of God.
Now with regard to the atheist billboard, it is not trying to convert anyone — it's urging those that already know the christmas story is a myth to openly recognize it as such.
I believe in reason, evidence, and a Deity, and in no myths, magic, or «fanciful beings», and I am not childish in my beliefs, in spite of being labeled as such.
In view of the very different nuances which Bultmann gives in the course of his essay to such terms as «myth» and «mythological», it is difficult to give any conclusive answer.
This is the period in which the Olympian gods and such myths as those associated with the Trojan War were taken seriously, provided the major material for sculptors and poets, and profoundly influenced the vision of reality.
The NT has a different message although still filled with supersti - tions, myths and embellishments but encouraging historically accurate rules of life such as the Beat - itudes.
Religious people are used to believing in myths, so they make up myths such as Granger did.
The idea that there must be a perfect society, some form of the «good life» binding on all of us» the myth of an ideal world» only really begins to lose its hold on us in the thought of men such as Vico and Herder.
This requires what Paul Tillich calls «deliteralization» — in other words, moving beyond the symbolic stories (such as the creation myth and Jonah) to discover the glowing, self - authenticating truths - for - living which are visible only when one escapes from wooden literalism.
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