Sentences with phrase «such as people»

In addition to that, an e-fence may keep SOME dogs in, but it will not keep other threats out, such as people that wish to harm your dog, stray dogs, or unsupervised children.
Opponents of these programs, such as People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), the American Bird Conservancy, and others, have for years misrepresented the science and used scaremongering in their attempt to influence policymakers and the public.
• Handling (such as touching for vet visits, grooming, patting heads, and even hugging) and invasive interactions, such as people invading their space, taking things from them, and getting into their food.
Within a home environment the kitten pen can be set up in a room where people spend a lot of time, this allows the kittens to get used to the household and sounds such as people chatting, television, radio, and also to safely meet other pets through the cage mesh.
The most effective way to combat high kill rates in shelters is to spay and neuter pets belonging to high - risk populations, such as people on fixed incomes, the elderly, and the extremely poor and homeless.
- invasive interactions, such as people invading their space, taking things from them, hugging them without warning, and getting into their food
High levels as stress, such as people moving into or out of the home, you moving to a new home, or a significant change in your routine.
We have indirect evidence from (i) intermediate outcomes, such as people pledging to go vegetarian, (ii) evidence from other outreach activities outside of animal advocacy (see, for example, our Conversation with Josh Kalla), (iii) anecdotes, such as people who tell advertising organizations that they went vegetarian because of the ads, and (iv) general intuitions and understanding of psychology and sociology.
Many non-profit organizations will train and supply dogs for veterans but there is a huge population who can also benefit from these dogs such as people who have suffered traumatic events in their life or others who have been emotionally abused.
This is because most people paid Medicare taxes while they worked and therefore do not pay a monthly premium for Part A. However, some people may want to consider delaying Medicare Part A until a later date, such as people who contribute to a Health Savings Account (HSA) or those who have to pay a premium for Part A.»
Most credit unions are set up to service a small, specific group of people, such as people living within a certain area, or people employed by a certain company, so they tend to be community - minded in their policies.
Its members are those who use the institution, such as people who have a checking account, savings account, or loan.
We measure success in a variety of ways: engagement such as people entering our contests and replying to our posts on Facebook, Twitter, and our blog; increases in fans and followers; online mentions of our titles; increased web traffic to our website and blog; and increased sales — for example, when we do ebook price promotions, we measure whether or not we sold more ebooks at the promotional price.
Certain other demographics such as people who dislike Amazon and people who highly value aesthetics and people who feel 10 ″ is the perfect size.
Certain other segments such as people who love Amazon for some reason or who disdain form over function or who find Apple Device flashing people annoying.
Many booksare made for fairly loose niches, such as people who like fantasy or general travel.
(AP)-- Verizon Wireless on Thursday announced it's opening up access to smart phones for customers who prepay for service, such as people with poor credit and those who don't want to be tied down by long - term contracts.
Golf Magazine joins fellow Time, Inc. titles such as People, Real Simple, and Fortune which are already available on the new Barnes & Noble tablet, unveiled today at a press conference in the Union Square location in New York.
I saw that ETERNAL LIFE was recommended by Geraldine Brooks, whose work I love and whose titles might also be good for the club, such as PEOPLE OF THE BOOK, CALEB»S CROSSING and MARCH.
The reason being that due to the lift that was given the rear multi-link suspension geometry was changed resulting in the rear wheels toeing in excessively when weight, such as people in the back seats or cargo in the trunk, is loaded and the rear is compressed downward.
Please remember, this towing capacity also includes any weight which is on the inside of the vehicle, such as people and cargo.
Teachers introduce each project with an entry event that serves several purposes: to hook the kids and get them engaged in the content, to provide an exemplar of what the teachers expect, and to introduce key vocabulary (such as people, events, and terminology) related to the targeted content to get the students thinking about what they'll need to know.
Limited — or as we usually call them, mini-series (which also refers to some of the anthology series such as American Horror Story)-- have infiltrated the awards in a big way, with series such as The People V. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story winning several awards.
Dating and more such as People chatting.
Our reviews cover information such as the people who use the site, search and contact features, pricing, and much more.
Dating and more such as People dating.
The third thing you need to consider now is specialization since dating services cater to certain age groups, ethnic, religious and sexual or special interest groups, such as people who are pet lovers, collectors, artists or musicians.
Unscrupulous marketing marketing companies such as the people behind get paid a comission when you as a consumer register on Milfaholic and purchase a paid monthly subscription.
It will be a good balance of prime time television, network radio, print advertising in magazines such as People, US and Vanity Fair and the women's books like Glamour and Vogue.
Finding a supportive partner is key for any professional, but especially for those with demanding career, such as people in the military.
Other exclusively ethical companies such as People Tree have wonderful seasonal sale sections.
Warning: This product contains protein and is not recommended for people who need to be on low protein diets, such as people with Phenylketonuria, Homocystinuria, or advanced kidney disease.Please avoid in case of pea sensitivity or in case of sensitivity to stevia.
Warning: This product contains protein and is not recommended for people who need to be on low protein diets, such as people with Phenylketonuria, Homocystinuria, or advanced kidney disease.
Mainstream medicine insists that systemic — or whole - body — Candida infection only affects those with compromised immune systems, such as people suffering from AIDS or those taking immune system - suppressing medications.
In some people, a smart, healthy lifestyle may not address specific imbalances or an inability to obtain necessary micronutrients from diet, such as those people suffering from oxidative stress.
I would routinely tend to give a digestive enzyme formula that targets the stomach (high in betaine HCL and pepsin) routinely for persons over the age of 50 or to those patients I typically would expect to have hypochlorhydria (underactive stomach), such as people with poor dental health, those who drink alcohol, eat take away food regularly, live stressful lives, etc..
For example, Weston Price noted certain populations such as people in Switzerland who regularly ate wheat and had excellent health overall.
People with Celiac disease, hyperthyroidism, or who are on steroids to manage medical difficulties, such as people with Ulcerative Colits and Crohn's disease are at increased risk.
This product contains protein and is not recommended for people who need to be on low protein diets, such as people with Phenylketonuria, Homocystinuria, or advanced kidney disease.
Some groups, such as people with African, Asian, Hispanic and Native American ancestry — , seem to be at lower risk, although they can still get the disease.
And the link was not explained away by factors such as people's age, education, or income levels, or smoking and drinking habits.
However, the technology could one day be incorporated into a device aimed at helping those with memory impairments, such as people with traumatic brain injury or neurodegenerative diseases.
Other populations, such as people in colder climates who keep windows closed or use more mothballs in coat closets, also might be at higher risk.
«It's on par with technologies like eye - trackers, but there are groups those technologies don't work for such as people who are «locked - in.»
There was comparatively strong agreement between the groups of experts about the positive effects of expanded mental health - related prohibitions, the required reporting of lost or stolen firearms, media campaigns to prevent children from accessing guns, and the required surrender of firearms by those prohibited from possessing guns, such as people convicted of felonies.
Though some relapse triggers can be consciously avoided, such as people, places and things related to drug use, other subconscious triggers related to the brain's reward system may be impossible to avoid — they can gain entry to the unconscious brain, setting the stage for relapse.
ACT UP can justly be proud of what it has achieved in AIDS: it is a tribute to their work that other health groups, such as people with diabetes and women with breast cancer, are now joining them at meetings in New York to learn their campaigning methods.
«In people who have compromised immune systems — such as people undergoing cancer treatment — these cells are vital for fighting bacterial infections in the gastrointestinal system.
Most people live with the infection without noticeable effect, but it can be life - threatening for people with suppressed immune systems, such as people on cancer therapies or who have HIV / AIDS.
Bhatia says the technology would likely first be applied to high - risk populations, such as people who have had cancer previously, or had a family member with the disease.
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