Sentences with phrase «such as side effects»

It's a good idea to keep one of these informational inserts handy so that you can refer to it for other information such as side effects and when you should call a health care provider.
You gain quick access to your desire and then pay for it in other ways, such as side effects which can be detrimental to your long - term health.
You and your doctor should consider factors such as side effects, lifestyle choices, and cosmetic preferences to help you decide where to start.
In each year thousands of men had the test without having a discussion of how it could either benefit them, for instance via early detection of cancer, or lead to unnecessary adversity, such as a side effects from biopsy or unneeded treatment.
This surveillance system is built to identify problems, such as side effects of pharmaceuticals and medical therapies, as they emerge.

Not exact matches

And like any drug, metformin can cause some side effects, such as diarrhea, indigestion, headaches, and heartburn.
CAR - T treatments, including competing products from Novartis rivals Kite Pharma and Juno Therapeutics, come with the risk of potentially deadly side effects such as cytokine - release syndrome (CRS), in which a glut of T - cell - assisting cytokines can cause high fever, low blood pressure, and problems with lung oxygenation.
Cathcart didn't talk about any of the potential down - sides of this approach, such as the «filter bubble» effect that can keep users from seeing potentially important topics because they don't fit the platform's pre-conceived notions of what that user is already interested in.
The approval came with a strong warning about the drug's potentially dangerous side effects such as low blood pressure and fainting when taken with alcohol.
Other side effects seen with NuvaRing include allergic reactions, which may include swelling of the face, lips, tongue, and / or throat that may cause difficulty in breathing or swallowing (anaphylaxis and angioedema), hives; breast discharge; and penis discomfort of the partner (such as irritation, rash, itching).
The existing drugs for osteoarthritis cause a high frequency of stomach ulcers and other side effects such as high blood pressure.
This may have been a great call if the goal was to increase the number of people using Groups, but ignored possible side effects such as a gay person being outed against their will by being added to an LGBTQ group by someone else, Calacanis said.
Could be parallel factors, such as level of education, which might necessarily produce more athiests as a side effect.
Many would argue that it's possible for her to feel better without taking drugs: she could try the «talking cure» (regular sessions with a counselor), or an alternative treatment such as herbal or light therapy If she goes to an M.D., though, she'll likely carry my a prescription for an antidepressant such as Prozac or Zoloft — one of these brave new medicines that promise such good results with so few side effects,
As such, I feel it is a natural side effect of our ability for abstract thought answering questions we don't yet understand but not reality in the sense presented by religions.
Severe allergic reactions, such as anaphylaxis, are a reported side effect of taking psyllium.
When inflammation strikes, we are conditioned into reaching for a quick fix in the way of pharmaceutical or prescribed drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen, temporary panacea's that come with their own adverse side effects and with long term use have the potential to create a host of health problems independently.
This allows for a reduction in the serving size along with a decrease in the negative side effects known to come from excessive protein intake, such as bloating, poor digestion, gas, etc..
Proponents of shade cultivation say environmental problems such as deforestation, pesticide pollution, habitat destruction, and soil and water degradation are the side effects of the practices employed in sun cultivation.
Yerba Mate is touted as being a safe and effective nervous system stimulant with few side effects and many health benefits such as rich in antioxidants, enhancing your ability to focus, enhancing physical endurance, aiding in digestion, helps control weight, and supporting heart health.
Hair loss can have other causes too, such as a thyroid condition, a side effect of some medications, or another more serious medical condition.
Dapsone can cause side effects, such as headaches and depression, so you'll always be prescribed the lowest effective dose.
With excessive consumption, potential serious side effects such as dehydration, heart arrthymias and catastrophic cardiac events can occur.
Maternal side effects may include physical symptoms such as tremors, slurred speech, feeling restless or anxious, and sedation.
Drowsiness is a common side effect of antihistamines such as Benadryl but some children experience the opposite effect.
You know, there are side effects to epidurals, such as breathing problems for the newborn, not to mention the way it increases the chance of other interventions.
There are some side effects, such as memory loss, associated with ECT and the treatment will be stopped if the patient begins to display any of these.
In fact, research in the area of youth sports and supplements, such as amino acids and creatine, is limited; the American Academy of Pediatrics advises no ergogenic (muscle - building, performance - enhancing) supplements for youth athletes due to their unknown side effects.
YOU, mom, may be suffering from several side effects of pregnancy, such as itchy skin, heartburn, and back aches.
They also present side effects to the baby, such as:
By choosing an amber teething necklace you no longer have to worry about the side effects associated with conventional teething remedies, such as teething gels.
Everyone knows about common pregnancy side effects such as morning sickness, heartburn, and uncontrollable cravings for certain foods.
And she may even be in a better position to deal with some of the negative side effects of menstruation, such as cramps, headaches, lower back pain, moodiness, acne, and other irritating symptoms.
This broken down protein formula provides your baby the nutrients it needs without the typical side effects such as gassy stomachs and discomfort.
More serious, but more rare, side effects can indicate internal bleeding such as black, tarry or bright red stools, or vomiting blood or can indicate a bleed in the brain (hemorrhagic stroke) such as vision or speech changes, severe headache or weakness or numbness in the arms or legs.
If your baby will be taking any medication on the day of the trip (such as a decongestant or pain reliever), be sure to test it out before the day of travel to gauge any side effects.
Many of the epidural side effects mentioned below are not improved with low - dose or walking epidurals, because women using these techniques may still receive a substantial total dose of local anesthetic, especially when continuous infusions and / or patient - controlled boluses (single large doses) are used.34 The addition of opiate drugs in epidurals or CSEs can create further risks for the mother, such as pruritus (itching) and respiratory depression (see below).
At this point, your pediatrician can also evaluate your child for other medical conditions that can cause obesity, such as Cushing's syndrome, hypothyroidism, and medication side effects.
While lower abdominal pain may be cause for concern at any stage of your pregnancy, it is actually a common side effect of the changes your body is going through, such as expansion of your uterus.
This stimulates the elimination of bilirubin, although there may be side effects such as diarrhoea.
To avoid undesirable side effects of pain medication on labor (such as slowing or stopping the progress)
To avoid undesirable side effects of pain medication to mom and baby (such as drowsiness, a drop in blood pressure or nausea)
This drug is also not readily used due to side - effects such as; heart attack stroke and increased blood pressure.
Make sure she is ready enough you don't want to force your baby to crawl because this has many side effects such as injuries to your baby or even discouraging her to crawl.
How can you avoid the painful side effects of weaning, such as engorging?
Monitor your baby for any unpleasant side effects such as skin rash / swelling, diarrhea, or vomiting, among others.
Most parents recognize mild side effects after the DTaP vaccination, such as irritability, fever, loss of appetite, fatigue and slight swelling or redness at the injection site.
Traditional beaded amber necklaces are a less intrusive remedy for the pain and side effects of teething, such as lack of appetite, upset tummies, ear ache, fevers and colds.
I just like the idea that it is something mechanical and not something hormonal — I took the pill for ten years and experienced side - effects such as major crankiness (we all know this sounds like something small but its not), weight gain, and reduced, shall we say, enthusiasm.
Thus, it is important that you avoid giving your newborn water to drink, since you never know if the side effect might be a mild one such as a diarrhea, or if it would be a serious one such as seizure from water intoxication.
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