Sentences with phrase «such as your profession»

That said, I think you need to think about why you would want to talk about a particular topic, such as profession.
In particular, insurers will evaluate you on criteria such as your profession, education level, your credit history, and whether you own, lease, or finance your car.
Eligibility (for) loan amount is dependent on several key factors such as your profession, work profile, ballpark expenditure, rate of interest, size of the family, residence ownership tenure of the loan among others.
Eligibility loan amount is dependent on several key factors such as your profession, work profile, ballpark expenditure, rate of interest, size of the family, residence ownership tenure of the loan among others.
Generally, a person can be considered as identified when, within a group of people, he is distinguished from other members of the group using identifiers such as outward signs of the appearance of a person, eg height, hair colour, or a quality of the person, such as profession or name.
In particular, insurers will evaluate you on criteria such as your profession, education level, your credit history, and whether you own, lease, or finance your car.

Not exact matches

Burnout was first identified in the 1970s in studies of overworked, overstressed «helping professionssuch as health workers and teachers, who found all their efforts never slowed the flow of pain and despair.
Tokyo and Munich, in particular, coincided with the graphic design profession's coming of age, Hulse notes, when some now - universally recognized visual shorthands came into being, such as the men's and women's symbols on bathroom doors.
I have yet to see any evidence that labour market imperfections can be blamed for the bulk of rising wages, particularly for professions identified by the report such as «account manager» and «financial planner.»
By going to events for closely related professions, or simply connecting through social media channels such as Twitter or LinkedIn where you can virtually engage in conversations with anyone, you put yourself in a position for growth.
While one standardized code of ethics (such as the Hippocratic Oath in the medical profession) could be a solution for the software industry, it is also important to teach delivery teams how to ask the right questions when considering the ramifications for emerging innovations.
One such study focusing on the legal profession found an appearance - based difference in pay of as much as 14 %.
Also encompasses many high - tech professions such as software development or R&D.
Likewise, they may reward for charitable work or adjust income distributions higher if their heir opts for a lower - paying but meaningful profession, such as teaching or social work.
The ASHI Reporter — ASHI's Monthly Print / Electronic Journal Each month you receive another wealth of information on home inspection topics and events, with numerous special features, such as «Postcards from the Field,» that keep you aware of how alive and changing your profession is.
«Business Contact Information» means any of the following information as used in connection with an individual's business or profession: name, title, company, business email address, business phone number, work address, public professional profile address, and / or supplementary information such as business role and responsibility designations.
Workers just beginning their careers, workers in professions with a high upside income potential, and individuals expecting a large windfall, such as a family trust or inheritance, can greatly benefit from contributing after - tax dollars to a Roth IRA or Roth 401 (k).
Since these CaaS vendors understand the risk level involved with their profession, they carefully limit access to their services to a select few boards — only the most exclusive, such as communities that are closed off to newcomers and have extremely strict rules on the admissibility of new members.
 Itâ $ ™ s even more disturbing when these are produced by people who reportedly are trained as economists.  They are doing a disservice to the public, to their small business members and to the economics profession by putting out material with such misinformation and gross manipulation of the real underlying facts.
It offers student loans for undergraduates and graduate students including MBA candidates, law students and students studying health professions such as medicine, dentistry and nursing.
I would like to increase this list with a few more, such as: concept curriculum course definition dictionary phase photographs photos idea image pictures game games kit market and that which is what is meaning means graduate postgraduate graduate profession professions proposal recruitment technical university used video wiki legislation
I am also aware that one does not have to choose to be a prostitute... and one can quit such a profession (in some senses this area is sold as a job).
No one ever existed by the name of Jesus in human history, but hinduism, fabrication of hindu's, criminals of hinduism, racism to hind, fool humanity in to gentile ism, slavery of other human as their god, such as King's and their hindu criminal Prophets, criminal fortune tellers, profession of writers of book of hindu Mithraism, savior ism, called Bile.
Other professions have had great success with programs of «early identification,» such as summer and co-curricular programs for student in high school and early college years.
But gradually the concept of profession took on a more limited meaning and came to be used primarily to refer to the knowledge and skills possessed by practitioners of specialized traditions such as law, medicine and divinity.
Third, the general public was just beginning to accord high prestige to several professions for whom the interview is standard procedure, notably psychiatry but also such areas as personnel work, educational guidance, and even social ease work.
As he or she may quickly discover, the profession leaves such sensitive souls behind as the discussion moves on to the next thinAs he or she may quickly discover, the profession leaves such sensitive souls behind as the discussion moves on to the next thinas the discussion moves on to the next thing.
The writers of the report are, perhaps, most disturbed by the fact that «even when legal, abortion is often prevented or delayed by obstacles to the access of appropriate services, such as the widespread use of conscientious objection, medically unnecessary waiting periods or biased counselling»; and calls on Member States to «regulate and monitor the use of conscientious objection in the key professions, so as to ensure that reproductive healthcare is guaranteed as an individual's right.»
Such stalwarts in the profession as former presidents Theda Skocpol of Harvard and Henry Brady of Berkeley pointed out the indignity of asking great scholars to stand in competitive elections and invoked the old conservative saw that «if it ain't broke don't fix it.»
Because of the slowing birth rate in developed countries which have a higher than average amount people who profess no religion (minus the united states), the developing countries, such as Brazil who are highly religious, account for an increase in religious profession.
This remains true even if on the one hand such people contradict each other in their original notional self - understanding, and, on the other, if the Church as the incarnational and social presence of God's grace can never give up the effort to let the uniting forces in their heart and conscience also appear in their profession of the one creed of the one Church.
Specialized professions that rely on therapeutic paradigms, such as chaplaincy and pastoral psychotherapy, will be understood increasingly as only two of the manifestations of pastoral theology.
The best minds of the medical profession rarely write popular articles and almost never write nonpopular articles for other professionals such as ministers.
In Protestant America, such development was easier so long as scholars generally agreed that science and scientific method, however sacred within the professions, was not all there was.
On the contrary, the meaning of doctrinal statements such as the creeds and other historical professions of belief, the circumstances which evoked them, and the philosophical presuppositions which helped to determine the character of their assertions are all matters of the greatest interest and importance.
In 1837, the first editor of Washington's Collected Works wrote: «If a man who spoke, wrote, and acted as a Christian through a long life, who gave numerous proofs of his believing himself to be such, and who was never known to say, write, or do a thing contrary to his professions, if such a man is not to be ranked among the believers of Christianity, it would be impossible to establish the point by any train of reasoning.»
Included in the above would be such topics as marriage and family processes and counseling, group processes and group therapy, an understanding of the viewpoints and work of the other helping professions.
It was not a new organic Church but a council or agency of co-operating Churches uniting on a common profession of Jesus Christ as divine Lord and Saviour, in order to carry on co-operative activities and discussions in such things as home missions problems, Christian education, foreign missions, and other activities.
No other profession is under such terrible stress of temptation to intellectual dishonesty...» (As quoted by Henry W. James, Charles W. Eliot, I [Boston and New York, 1930], 378.)
Today, the hobby has blossomed into a profession, with the friends crafting beers, such as the coriander - spiced Schuppenboer («Jack of Spades») tripel and brawny Kleveretien («Ten of Clubs»), at breweries across Belgium.
And now, after a slow start in Buffalo that was largely attributable to the coaching genius of such pillars of the profession as John Rauch and Harvey Johnson, who thought in terms like «Hey, gang, I've got an idea; let's use him as a decoy,» O. J. has immortalized himself as a pro.
As my friends name all kinds of professions such as teachers, astronauts, bankers, presidents I, with the very assuring face and happy voice saiAs my friends name all kinds of professions such as teachers, astronauts, bankers, presidents I, with the very assuring face and happy voice saias teachers, astronauts, bankers, presidents I, with the very assuring face and happy voice said:
These dolls represent interests and professions such as hair stylists, princesses, ballerinas and even mermaids.
These toys allow toddlers to explore their curiosity about their own pediatrician's profession, such as vaccination shots, organizational tools, uniforms, and more.
Individuals who may be eligible for this award include, but are not limited to: physicians, other allied health professionals, athletic directors, coaches, academic administrators such as principals, secretaries, department chairs, school deans, chief academic officers, and presidents of organizations that support Athletic Trainers, the Athletic Training profession in Wisconsin and / or the WATA.
Our sector provides tools such as vaccines to help the veterinary profession prevent disease and suffering, and medicines to treat where needed.
Political figures and heavyweights such as President Nana Addo, Vice President Dr Bawumia and former President John Mahama among many others have eulogized the hard working KABA and described his death as a tragedy to the country and the journalism profession.
Now the lawyers who make the laws, the managers who run big pharma, and the doctors who prescribe the pharma are trained in expensive schools that teach a kind of token morality, (passed off as complete enough), whereby their chosen professions» wrongdoing is made somewhat obvious, but the practical teaching of powers for righting such wrongdoing is neglected, enfeebling them so that reforms and remedies appear impractically strenuous.
This includes, in particular, those who do not work in professional practice such as those in industry or who work for HMRC, and those members who have only recently joined our profession
Barrett authored the bill that prohibits the investigation of any claim of medical professional misconduct based solely on treatment that is not universally accepted by the medical profession, such as longer - term antibiotic treatment for chronic Lyme disease.
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