Sentences with phrase «such atrocities»

The phrase "such atrocities" refers to extremely cruel or brutal acts that are highly shocking or horrifying. It describes acts that are deeply disturbing and go against moral standards. Full definition
This is why the governed must have the right to speak freely without fear of the government, to prevent such atrocities from occurring.
So we can talk of limited success in developing new norms and practices of civilian protection, and we can celebrate a new international court for such atrocities.
A genocide more recent than the Holocaust is providing new insights into why some people join in such atrocities.
She now has peace, but she continues to be a light to move forward in continuing efforts to improve animal protection laws in Massachusetts; we owe it to her to never allow such an atrocity to happen again.
Learning about such atrocities put into perspective the struggle and the power of the people to overcome them.
I'm extremely allergic to sugar in any form, and detest the taste of other sweeteners such as stevia, and won't even consider such atrocities as aspartame or other artificial junk.
The museum's goal is to prevent such atrocity from ever happening again by teaching all races and cultures about the shared dignity and inherent worth of all humans.
I felt sick to my stomach supporting such atrocities by a government who also discriminates against certain citizens while displaying no fiscal discipline.
I imagine that such atrocities do exist, most likely as PS2 or Wii shovelware, but I have not seen them for myself.
Instead Camus was asking how can we face the human condition in our everyday lives knowing that such atrocities exist.
After the Holocaust any credible God - talk must be able to take account of burning children, and any credible theological ethic has to show it is determined to head off such atrocities at their very beginnings, deep in the habits of hearts and minds and in public policies.
But, how could a loving almighty God allow the people he supposedly «loves» to bear such atrocities and injustices all over the world?
A vivid case in point is the impact that Bull Conner's attacks on the civil rights marchers, and the Ku Klux Klan's murder of four African - American girls in the bombing of a church — among many other such atrocities — had on the unfolding of events, including the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.
One of the perks of being Vegan is that I automatically can not consume such atrocities, and have the privilege of making my own Eggless Nog, aka Vegan Eggnog.
Greenough considered whether such atrocities actually occurred or were fabricated to fan the flames of rebellion, but concluded: «In the case of Bengal, there seems little doubt that numerous rapes actually occurred.»
Thanks, WendyB, for highlighting such an atrocity that happened in my country.
And I know, I know - the muffin top is my own self consciousness - but you know there is that one person that is zooming in on their iPhone disgusted that I would post such an atrocity!
Like Ace in the Hole, I imagine it would have been more about a world that would endorse such atrocity than about the atrocity itself.
Explore past and present instances of genocide and encourage students to raise their voices about the devastating impact of such atrocities on individuals, communities, and countries.
In the absence of some higher power forcing you to perform such an atrocity, you substitute factual content with something else.
None of my ancestors actively participated in the deaths or oppression of Aboriginal Australians, but they did belong to a society that permitted such atrocities to occur.
We say these people who commit such atrocities are mentally ill.
It was «rape as an instrument of forced exile:» 50 Victims were forced out of their homes and as result of such atrocities perpetrated against them — they never want to return.
The wounds of the Holocaust are fresh and while much of the blame was placed on Hitler, virtually anyone older than Johann held some position, belonged to the Nazi party, or allowed such atrocities to occur against the Jews.
Although forensic anthropologists are not positioned to prevent such atrocities, they can contribute pertinent information so the victims are not forgotten.
There is no turning away from the horrors of Nazism and the Holocaust here — instead Magee explores how normal people came to participate in such atrocities.
For such atrocities, committed in wars among the small states of the land bridge, Yahweh is bringing upon them the punishment of Assyria.
It is heartbreaking to hear of such atrocities, it's time to stop the persecution of Christians worldwide!!!
The government's role is to resolutely stand against terrorism and to bring justice to those who commit such atrocities.
Where is the «Christian community» in condemning and «controlling» such atrocities of a few.
A call for the «Muslim community» to condemn and «control» such atrocities of a few, has been called for.
Religion has been directly implicated to mass killings, whereas I don't think you can make a case for atheism being the sole reason for any such atrocity.
Haman's bloodthirstiness along with King Xerxe's seeming indifference to such atrocities, appeared incredible even to a sophisticated society which was used to cruel behavior.
With lone - wolf terror attacks on the rise across the United States, Canada and Europe, a recent study offers a new way of understanding how those who commit such atrocities are created.
With its observational dispassion, My Friend Dahmer doesn't quite help us understand why Jeff is so into killing, and it's pretty much useless when it comes to clarifying how he justifies committing such atrocities to himself.
Momentum has stalled for a bill that would have allowed human trafficking victims to sue hotels that do not take action and train employees to prevent such atrocities.
I have to like and care about protagonists and immediately gravitated to Aaron Falk who has returned after a 20 - year absence to confront his unpleasant history as well as to help investigate just what would have propelled his childhood friend to commit such an atrocity.
Corporate culture that demands ever - expanding profit margins simply trumps any momentary concerns for things like environmental health or worker safety, and companies are more than capable of convincing themselves that such atrocities will never happen to them.
Such atrocities can be -LSB-...]
Such atrocities can be concerning for travelers planning their next trip.
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