Sentences with phrase «such by the human eye»

The Electronic Paper Display technology reads just like normal paper and is perceived as such by the human eye.

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Even complex phenomena, such as the emergence of the human eye, can be explained by studying simpler versions of the same structure and positing some evolutionary succession of events.
Most of us are politely quiet and secretly roll our eyes when someone says that god speaks to them or that they have been touched by god etc., yet when someone mentions any of the other things we are quick to point out that they are wackos... perhaps it is time for us to speak up and say there is no such thing as god and it is time to clear our heads and get on with moving the human species forward and leaving fairy tales and silly beliefs behind.
Satan did it, and fell... man, seduced by the father of lies, and lust for power has allowed pride to swell up in his heart, has done the same... Scriptures were written long ago, but we see them fulfilled with our own eyes (Dan.12: 4) There has never been time as such we're living in, when man is so advanced, yet the deprivation of human character on WORLDWIDE scale, is unprecedented from any time in history of mankind!
Unseen by the human eye, plants interact with many species of fungi and other microbes in the surrounding environment, and these exchanges can impact the plant's health and tolerance to stressors such as drought or disease, as well as the global carbon cycle.
By drastically reducing a drug's risk of failure by guiding it to human testing, PharmaStart expects large drug companies to eye such projects more willingly than they would otherwisBy drastically reducing a drug's risk of failure by guiding it to human testing, PharmaStart expects large drug companies to eye such projects more willingly than they would otherwisby guiding it to human testing, PharmaStart expects large drug companies to eye such projects more willingly than they would otherwise.
So far it has been assumed that humans recognize faces as one whole object or image, and not by looking at different parts (such as lips, ears and eyes) or local features that together form a face.
For example, the optical telescopes such as the Subaru Telescope and the Hubble Space Telescope observe the visible light that can be captured by human eyes.
However, they say the work at least proves the potential for mRNA therapy to successfully treat not only hemophilia B but also other human disorders, such as hemophilia A (caused by faulty clotting factor VIII) or a variety of diseases of the liver, central nervous system, lung and eyes.
He's not helped by the cringe - worthy dialogue such as «If you stay invisible too long the human race looks like another species» or «the human face can mislead in a hundred thousand ways but the eyes never change.»
Like doctors who have been using VR to assist in surgeries and pinpoint ailments — by generating 3D models of real patient tumors from MRI scans, for example — science teachers are saying VR can help deepen understanding of subjects such as biology and anatomy, which require students to grasp the inner workings of cells and organs that are not visible to the human eye.
She is working on a project funded by the Institute of Education Science, U.S. Department of Education, and National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, using multiple approaches such as using eye - tracking technology to investigate growth of silent reading, video - taping and coding classroom instruction, and coding thousands of children's oral language and writing samples.
As such, there is much less than meets the eye to the EF claim that it documents a substantial overshoot of the Earth's biocapacity by human societies.
In the two - track approach to the European human rights project, where the Luxembourg Court is also proactive in providing guidance, the Strasbourg Court in 2013 in M.E v Sweden is being asked by the interveners [42] to apply the guidance of the UK Supreme Court, [43] and the UK Upper Tribunal, [44] in engaging with the risk group (those who are open), and how they are identified («not being straight enough, including straight individuals, due to non-compliance with a heteronormative stereotype in the eyes of the potential persecutor»), independent of whether an individual is «voluntarily discrete», where such discretion is due to a well - founded fear of persecution.
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