Sentences with phrase «such corruption»

No system will prevent its corrupt use, but some systems limit the results of such corruption better than others.
Why is such corruption only a part - time thing?
Now, DiNapoli is out with a list of enhanced protections to guard against such corruption in the future.
My office's partnership with the Comptroller is designed to combat such corruption, and we will continue to work tirelessly to protect every penny of taxpayer money during these challenging economic times.»
Cancun's tolerance of such corruption by its police certainly affected my perception of the place, and dampened any enthusiasm for returning that I might have otherwise had.
Do its practices of teaching and learning lay stress on the cu1tivation of critical capacities to identify and unmask such corruption?
By observing the world stage of today and placing it according to the Scriptures on God's timeline, with all the man's advancements in tech and science we're witnessing today, and yet, seeing such corruption of human character....
With such corruption in Rome, similar conditions could be expected throughout the Catholic Church.
Eckert is also critical about the controls that Fifa had in place to prevent such corruption from occurring.
but said in the past the court had proven to be imperfect in deterring such corruption.
It's about time that Pedro Espada is pushed out, how long can we stand such corruption and deception from someone we elected to represent us.
The reforms embodied in the Comptroller's program bill, if passed, would significantly impact the potential for such corruption.
Government watchdog groups have called for strict limitations on state legislators» outside income to eliminate such corruption and conflicts.
The authorities hope that additional monitoring will reduce the risk of ING getting involved in such corruption cases again, the Financieele Dagblad reports.
The Court did not find the government's argument that aggregate limits helped avoid corruption, as it could not explain how giving the maximum to 10 candidates did not cause corruption, but giving a penny more to another candidate would cause such corruption.
«My office's partnership with the comptroller is designed to combat such corruption, and we will work tirelessly to protect every penny of taxpayer money during these challenging economic times.»
By observing of the world stage on God's timeline, with all the man's advancements in tech and science, yet such corruption of human character, it only points to the fact that the time for the «man of sin» is at hand and his army is being prepared, for time of his arrival.
The record of such corruption is not limited to poor countries as seen by recent exposures in Japan, Italy and Britain.
Such a corruption of the targeted society is rightly to be feared, says Ignatieff, and a democratic society is aided in defending itself against such corruption precisely by the institutions and procedures that it has designed to keep itself open and free.
Foremost, despite all the arrogant scolding by Andrew Cuomo during the formation of the Moreland Commission looking into political corruption in state government, such corruption is not the sole property of the Legislature.
Foremost, despite all the arrogant scolding by Andrew Cuomo during the formation of theMoreland Commission looking into political corruption in state government, such corruption is not the sole property of the Legislature.
Saying that Dostoevsky isn't easy to read would be understatement — there is an unavoidable propensity in his works towards moral corruption to such an
Even Cervantes and his kind flee the evil that postures and taunts and lures Inspector Monde to a place of such corruption that the unthinkable becomes real.
Moreover, the devices of such corruption are sophisticated and often function indirectly, by infiltrating the terms of ethical and epistemic argument.»
The Islamic Monarchy of Saudi Arabia has not had much dealings with cryptocurrencies that have made the mainstream media, but their general approach to such corruption and forms of money laundering are strict and no doubt Bitcoin would be viewed with suspicion.
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