Sentences with phrase «such early feedback»

Can scientists get such early feedback on choices before starting papers, without having their ideas stolen?

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Frida gave feedback about things such as materials («the material of the prototype's waist belt made it difficult to pull the baby carrier around when using it on your back»), the placement of the buckles («you had to twist your wrist into a strange position on the prototype when you fastened it») and the placement of the waist belt («the waist belt didn't stay in place in an early version of the prototype»).
«During the early phases of motor learning (such as when we are toddlers) our brain and body learn how to work in harmony when the brain commands the target muscles and then receives feedback via seeing and feeling each body movement.
«These results suggest that phytoestrogens can interfere with the normal estrogen feedback mechanisms with respect to release of gonadotropin in the ewe... although most studies into the effects of phytoestrogens have concentrated on changes in the reproductive tract, there are indications that they interfere with the hormone balance between the ovaries and the hypothalamo - adenohypophysical system... ewes on phytoestrogens have shown follicular abnormalities such as numerous small follicles, deficient antrum formation and signs of early atresia... it is possible that the permanent changes brought about by phytoestrogens in the brain are a result of these compounds interacting with estrogen receptors in this tissue, and subsequently influencing the re-synthesis or replenishment of cyto - plasmic estrogen receptors... phytoestrogens can interfere with the delicate feedback mechanisms involved in the release of the gonadotrophins.»
Recent work suggests that direct training methods, such as mentoring and coaching and constructive feedback based on observation of teachers, can improve early education practice and children's performance.
It had a soft launch (we deliberately kept it back from the weekly email) so we could roll it to get feedback and see how to integrate what is a tricky thing into Star Citizen at such an early stage of development.
In addition to utilizing Early Access for its powerful community - feedback approach, United Front Games are readying all - new content such as leaders, weapons, vanity items, and entirely new maps and modes.
Sony was very open to working with developers such as ourselves when they started making the PS4, and for us to be able to feed back this early on the dev cycle of new hardware meant we could gave game dev feedback and have that fruition into something amazing.
It's never too early to think about ways to get your game noticed, such as early access, crowdfunding, and smaller market launches for early feedback and refining before the full launch.
My question is: Since these earlier relatively slight forcings prompted such considerable carbon feedbacks that drove warming much further than it would have gone otherwise, should we not expect some sort of carbon feedback to kick in from our considerable «artificial» forcing / warming?
The group says such generic early warning signals are an excellent thing when a system's mechanisms and feedbacks are too murky to allow confident predictions.
The Arctic provides an early indicator of global climate change through feedback systems associated with factors such as the high albedo of snow and ice [Holland and Bitz, 2003].
In fact, it was one of my criticisms earlier that AGW theory seems overly intent on finding positive feedback loops, while not considering negative feedbacks seriously enough — one such potential negative feedback is that on a warmer Earth, more water is evaporated into clouds, in turn cooling things back off.
In 2011 and early 2012 the Society sought and received feedback from current and prospective interviewers, members of the mental health and legal professions, and reviewed other relevant information on what criteria trained interviewers should meet to be eligible for such a Roster.
The product is typically deployed to a subset of possible customers, such as early adopters that are thought to be more forgiving, more likely to give feedback, and able to grasp a product vision from an early prototype or marketing information.
Early universal screening, brief intervention (such as engaging a patient in a short conversation, providing feedback and advice), and referral for treatment of pregnant women with opioid use and opioid use disorder improve maternal and infant outcomes.
For instance, in their prospective study among young adolescents, Garber and Flynn (Garber and Flynn, 2001) found that negative self - worth develops as an outcome of low maternal acceptance, a maternal history of depression and exposure to negative interpersonal contexts, such as negative parenting practices, early history of child maltreatment, negative feedback from significant others on one's competence, and family discord and disruption.
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