Sentences with phrase «such encounters would»

A small boy and a corpse: such encounters would not have been so rare in the Edinburgh of his time.
Volunteer groups should not provide employment to local gringo wannabe elites — or northern missionaries living in the South — who act in the name of the poor but actually erect barriers to true encounters because such encounters would threaten their privileged role as interlocutors.
Such an encounter would force the Christian church to take a candid look at the quality of its own witness.
The dynamic of such encounters has been analyzed with fertile suggestiveness by Paul Minear in Eyes of Faith [Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1946].
The results of such an encounter would be gruesome if not deadly.

Not exact matches

The president's lawyers have been negotiating with Mueller's team over such an encounter since late last year.
It was a surreal moment, as up until that point I had never had a real life encounter with a reptile such as snake, especially not when it's just a few feet away from me.
As for the 20 % who do not, the main reason seems to be switching to a new device, followed by websites refusing to show them the content they want if they are using such a tool — nearly two - thirds of respondents said they had encountered this problem.
Coinbase is likely to encounter the same level of resistance for a retail ETF from the SEC, which has said that it won't approve such products until its concerns, including price manipulation and security, have been resolved.
In addition, we may not be able to acquire new product candidates or may encounter unexpected difficulties or delays in such acquisitions, which would impair our business.
Everywhere we went, from the bustling city of Ramallah to smaller West Bank towns such as Bethlehem and Jericho, we encountered individuals who had become first - time banking customers.
Smart speaker uptake has grown faster than any other consumer technology we've recently encountered, such as AR, VR or even wearables.
@Chuckles I was not being hostile, but am just trying to point out that you are basically willing to conflate any similar cognitive errors such as we have as humans as being significant in any way in religious terms, should it happen that we encounter some alien species that also has idiots who think imaginary stuff is real.
Largely I would echo what Christine has already said about the way in which we feel accepted within our community, but if you'll bear with me for a little bit, I'd like to attempt to explain to Trey in particular what I see as the difference between this type of acceptance and the attitude of the many Christians who view homosexuality as sinful such as what you have encountered with your sister.
Mitchell had to go halfway around the world to encounter such people, but he found them.
Half the time I wonder if the lot of them are trolls, because I've never elsewhere encountered such a mendacious group of christians as I have on this blog.
I've occasionally heard the term «word salad» but have never before encountered such a marvelous example of one.
We set about teaching our eldest how her faith is compatible with science and hoped that would be the last time she would encounter such a misrepresentation.
What immediately struck me was the absurdity of the terminology and proposals in the paper — terms such as «heteronormativity» and «heterosexism», which I'd never encountered before.
Even though Nash failed to see it, such a broad Augustinianism actually has common ground with the Holiness - Pentecostal concern for affective transformation and ecstatic encounter.
- someone else might have only encountered crocodiles, iguanas and newts by timex; so when he encounters the gecko, he will have no reason to differentiate between «animal» and «reptile», until such times as he should see a dog or cat or chimpanzee.
Such opportunities — a rather euphemistic term for some of the encounters a minister has with alcoholics — are thrust upon him, whether or not he wants them or is prepared for them.
The late E. M. Jellinek once said, in effect, that a therapist who had not tried to work with alcoholics usually recommends long and intensive psychotherapy when he encounters such a patient; but the therapist who has had some experiences in attempting to work with alcoholics will be more inclined to phone the nearest AA group.
At first they may be taken merely as aesthetic moments, such as communing with nature, savouring memories andimages, meeting mysteries, the heightened sensing of musical sounds, odours, colours, the thrill of acute poetic expression, or moving encounters with other human beings; but on further reflection people often cite such experiences as having a spiritual quality and as hints of the divine.
The reality is that until you have had an encounter with the risen Savior such as Paul had, regardless of your religious education, you will not and indeed can not understand any of it.
Consider the way Jesus could have responded to the people he encountered, such as the woman at the well and the woman caught in adultery, as opposed to the way he did respond.
First, because protecting time to be quiet and alone can seem like indifference to Christ's call to serve; and second, because diving into such depths has always involved the risk of encountering God.
I would love to be witness to the blind regaining their sight, or cancer complete disappearing with only the interventions of prayer and / or the «laying of hands», but unfortunately I've only encountered such things in Televangelist Land and the stories of others.
One of the difficulties encountered by many young Filipinos who had been trained in Western classical philosophy (which until recently was practically the only kind of philosophical training that was available in the Philippines) was the inadequacy of such a mode of thinking to articulate fully our experience as an Asian people.
Seven years later, William Jones is amazed by how little in - depth self - criticism has come from such encounters.
I have also encountered such reactions as curiosity, interest, and even encouragement from within the herd and its leadership.
There are all sorts of reasons one might want to condemn such behavior, which represented at least one common pattern of male homosexual behavior Paul would have encountered in his culture — that it involved young boys, that it was not a matter of mutual pleasure, that it was a way of expressing one partner's superiority over the other, and soon — while perhaps not condemning some of the different forms homosexual activity takes in our culture.
See Between Man and Man (London: Regan Paul 1947), p. 89) Such communication by a teacher who has a deep feeling for a religious tradition often leads students to an encounter with the meanings which speak to human needs from that tradition.
Such authentic sayings, whose exact wording can not well be reconstructed, whose translation is uncertain, whose out - of - date thought patterns are obvious, are none the less more important historical sources for encountering Jesus» history and person than would be the chronological and psychological material the original quest sought in vain.
In this context, Gandhi stresses the analogy between Collingwood's reformed metaphysics and Strawson's descriptive metaphysics, two conceptions that, on Gandhi's view, have to be rejected.3 A concept of metaphysics such as that of Whitehead necessitates, on the contrary, «the analysis and critical evaluation of scientific presuppositions in connection with presuppositions of other domains of civilized thought (moral, religious, sociological, aesthetic, etc.), so as to arrive at a satisfactory conception of the most fundamental characteristics of all that we encounter in our experience.
I have encountered this word and its ilk in the New Yorker, Fast Company, and The Economist, but I didn't expect to see you sink to such a community.
I note that the researcher in the article which you cited above was careful to choose Buddhist monks for his study and not just anyone as if he did the latter, there would be the possibility that he would encounter persons like myself whose minds dissociate during intense / deep meditation given that the biology of such persons predisposes them to this:
Of course, where would I likely encounter such people?
I've only encountered one person in the blog world who thinks such a practice is odd and since you are not him, I didn't think you would mind.
One should expect to be wounded after such an encounter, and have perhaps ever after the piety of the anawim, the voice of those broken in spirit.
While reflecting on why the people dynamic which one encounters in small groups has such power, I came upon a moving passage from Loren Eiseley.
(In fact it's consistent with it, it would make sense for the God - man to encounter such types of sin and then to be victorious over them, * unlike * us.)
But, even from these theologians one encounters the claim that although «faith does not entail the correctness of any particular cosmological theory,» some such theories «would lend the Judaic - Christian doctrine of creation a certain degree of external support.
But as a total context existential philosophy is methodologically too restrictive If faith can only be expressed in terms of human encounter, such that we are precluded from using any cosmological framework in expressing our understanding of God, then we have no way of appreciating God's activity and manifestation of concern toward the rest of the created order.
I gave him the benefit of the doubt early on, even though every single person I have encountered, who is of the Reformed persuasion, has proven to be extremely capable of pointing out to everyone else where everyone else is wrong, and can do it in such a way as to give you the impression that, not only do they want to correct your erroneous beliefs, but also want to make sure you feel very, very bad about being completely wrong.
If such relatively affluent communities do in fact attempt to move beyond their technically and psychologically sophisticated understandings of themselves to tell their household stories, they will encounter there the narrative of groups deprived of technical and academic sophistication who have little but story by which to understand and modify their corporate existence.
Israel represents such an enormous Jewish adventure — the only adventure in which the Jewish encounter with modernity is complete and all - embracing — that it's hard for me to understand how any Jew who really cares about being Jewish would want to be anywhere else.
If the orator were to encounter him in this condition, he would, I think, confront him with all his dignity and say, «Wretched man, that thou couldst let thy soul sink into such foolishness!
I have encountered several such women pastors who manifest what is called the «burn - out syndrome.»
[I believe that all people on earth, Christians or not, will have the chance to enjoy such an encounter with Jesus at least on their deathbed, so that everyone has the possibility to say «Yes» or «No» to Jesus sacrifice.
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