Sentences with phrase «such feelings only»

It almost makes the entire story better in retrospect, but such feelings only come after the insane revelations the ending brings, and not a moment sooner.

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A feeling of gratitude can also activate the hypothalamus, which controls not only essential bodily functions such as sleeping and eating, but also metabolism and stress.
Bloomberg explained that the companies that dismiss such warnings as feel - good nonsense are only doing themselves and their investors a disservice.
Individuals come away from such a process with renewed enthusiasm and purpose, which helps define and develop the company culture and prevents work from feeling only like work.
«Working out in the morning also results in numerous benefits such as upbeat mood, positive thinking, more healthy metabolism, etc.» And you only need five minutes to feel these effects, he insists.
While death in our digital age has introduced a host of unfamiliar complications, such an oversight not only feels like a total no - brainer, but paints a particularly soulless picture of T - Mobile's customer service outfit.
«The reason I feel Twitter is such a significant player, despite the fact that it has only 240 million users compared to Facebook's 1.15 billion, is the fact that it's become a utility whereas Facebook is pretty much just a website,» Levy said.
The impact of regulatory changes will be felt only in some sectors and may be offset by new populist measures such as restrictions on pharmaceutical pricing.
Experimenting for a year to stay away from such abstractions and declaring your beliefs (mystical or fundamental), could only help a person feel the moments through the layers abstract beliefs.
Amazing, such rationality presented by you... oh wait, not really rational to poke fun at your human being unless your own self esteem is so low that the only means to feel superior to your fellow human being is to belittle them for their beliefs... kinda like what the religious do to you.
Many feel that protesting against such wrongs will perhaps open a door to a «fix», even if that «fix» is only with a «band - aid».
There very definitely is such an element, only it is not logical, but emotional, or having to do with feeling.
We do think of colors, shapes, and even qualities of feeling, not only as qualifications of particular actual entities but also apart from such qualification.
When I realize that the particular conclusions generated by the serious reflection that arises from such assumptions have only the authority of those assumptions, then I feel free to turn to another philosophy that includes among its data human persons and their interactions; for my perception of reality is such that these seem to me at least as real and ultimate as sense data and mechanical relations.
If one has for any reason invested one's life for a while in such a school, and especially if one has begun to feel a pinch between expectation and experience, it is important not only to reflect critically about the school but also to reflect critically about the wav in which the school is being described and analyzed.
If therefore as Christians we feel obliged to use the reprimand, the argumentum ad hominem, or even physical restraint, we must realize all the time that such things are only a means to an end; by themselves they are both incomplete and ineffectual.
For example, the idea that the brain is a complex non-linear dynamic system is mentioned only fleetingly - leaving me with the feeling that we had missed an opportunity for a useful discussion (such as perhaps making a connection with the ideas advocated by Polkinghorne regarding the possibility of chaotic systems «amplifying» quantum level uncertainties up to the macro-level).
The group then divides into two subgroups, led by the minister and her co-facilitator, for experiential and feeling - level sharing, including debriefing on such between - session assignments as: «Talk to three people about death, being aware of how they respond» or «Imagine that you have only a limited time to live and try to say how this awareness influences your feelings about your lifestyle and present relationship.»
All romancing and trumpeting abroad about one's cleverness in penetrating the God's incognito, though without receiving the condition from the Teacher; that one took notice of him by the impression he made, such a strange feeling coming over one in his presence; that there was a something in his voice and mien, etc., etc. — all this is but silly twaddle, by which one does not become a disciple but only makes a mockery of the God.1 The servant - figure was no incognito.
thinks, that the Tigris and the Euphrates have not a common source, that the Dead Sea had been in existence long before human beings came to live in Palestine, instead of originating in historical times, and so on... We are able to comprehend this as the naive conception of the men of old, but we can not regard belief in the literal truth of such accounts as an essential of religious conviction... And every one who perceives the peculiar poetic charm of these old legends must feel irritated by the barbarian — for there are pious barbarians — who thinks he is putting the true value upon these narratives only when he treats them as prose and history.
The only source of information for the report is the very doctors who feel the procedure is justified, and who are unrestrained by the long - forgotten oath «to give no deadly medicine to any one, even if asked, nor to suggest any such counsel.»
But he is not insisting «only» on such teachings, which must be talked about in «context»; they are «clear» and he does not dispute them, but he does not feel the need to talk about them «all the time.»
we are left with only the vague feeling that Stendahl does not approve of such goings on.
By this distinction of two modes of passivity — of receiving forms - Aristotle sets off the world of conscious experience from the world of nature, but in such a way that not only the objects but the very workings of nature are included as part of what is felt.
More than that, we all feel deeply our own identity; and it appears to us that the only way in which that feeling can be given validity is by our assuming just such a substantial self.
But what is arresting in this passage, in comparison with the others cited earlier, is the distinction Hartshorne explicitly makes between our merely feeling «the inclusive something,» only some of the abstract aspects of which are we likely to think about when we speak of it as «truth» or «reality,» and our consciously realizing, and thus thinking instead, that this inclusive something has to be «an inclusive experience,» which as such is «the model of all experiences.»
The difficulty, however, is that it is not only, or even primarily, terms such as «feeling» or «sentience» that Hartshorne typically classifies as thus analogical when applied to God.
The distinction Hartshorne insists on making here as applied to our present question can be expressed by saying that, whereas mere experience or feeling of God can be not only direct but immediate, high - level thought or cognition of God, being mediated, as it is, by the conscious judgment or interpretation of such feeling, is of necessity mediate.
But however this may be, we have only to look at his own account of such matters to learn that having a feeling of God is one thing, and that thinking about God, or having knowledge of God, is something quite different.
He never denied that animals felt pain, for example, and did not deprive such creatures of sensation, only of rational thought and self - reflection.
One could argue that such portraits are part and parcel of their hilariously hyperbolic writing style, but such obviously overdrawn characterizations reinforce the reader's feeling that the authors» only definition of a good mother is that of a mordant political activist with their particular brand of feminist conscience,
I think here its easier to have such only because one doesn't reply while the other is typing there reply and then feel interrupted, which then the whole value of the convo goes down hill from there.
With respect to these physicians» beliefs about the condition of PVSpatients, only 13 \ % think such patients are aware and have the experience of hunger and thirst; and only 30 \ % believe these patients feel pain.
I gave him the benefit of the doubt early on, even though every single person I have encountered, who is of the Reformed persuasion, has proven to be extremely capable of pointing out to everyone else where everyone else is wrong, and can do it in such a way as to give you the impression that, not only do they want to correct your erroneous beliefs, but also want to make sure you feel very, very bad about being completely wrong.
All in all, the problems are such that we have felt it necessary to ignore the Johannine material altogether, even in the case of the Son of man teaching, and the only major reference to be found on the fourth gospel in what follows is one of the account of the crucifixion where it does seem apparent that John is referring to a Christian exegetical tradition.
Presumably, the committee from the United Church of Christ that called on Abernathy to «repent» of his authorship of the King autobiography felt that King's personal life was so uninteresting, or that such a neat separation could be made between personal morality and public ethics, that Abernathy could have only destructive motives for his revelation.
I feel good when only ranting ravers decide to curtail my views of thoughtfulness measuring for such people are as useless pungencies meaning only to subvert when they factually draw attention to thought felt provocations innuendoes.
It is only slight exaggeration to state that he feels the traditional Western religious and philosophical understanding of God to be such a mass of errors and inconsistencies as to require removal in toto from the body of metaphysical thought.
The song takes a heavy hand promoting «Baby Jesus... as the one and only reason that we celebrate the season...» «It is a shame that some feel compelled to fight back against the political battles involving Christmas by taking such a militant stand,» said Jeff Westover of My Merry, the world's largest Christmas community online.
The astounding international support in condemning this invasion reflects not only the sea change of the end of the cold war but also the awareness that if such aggression is not challenged, no other nation can feel secure.
Such a «sum of all value» can be felt concretely only by God, and therefore it is God's prehending the various human goods that provides the unity to a multiplicity of concrete individual enjoyments.
If the nineteenth century presupposed the detailed historicity of the Synoptic Gospels except where «doctrinal tampering» was so obvious as to be inescapable (they had in mind such things as «Paulinisms» and the miraculous), the twentieth century presupposes the kerygmatic nature of the Gospels, and feels really confident in asserting the historicity of its details only where their origin can not be explained in terms of the life of the Church.»
Just as physics generalizes variables of movement so that they can apply not only to a human hunter and his fleeing prey, but also to stars, planets, atoms, and photons, so psychics needs to generalize such ideas as feeling, perceiving, remembering, anticipating, intending, liking and disliking, so that they can apply not only to animals, but even to the real individual constituents of the vegetable and mineral portions of nature.
Thanks guys for all of your concerns of my post, gosh such love from you, this feels like family, well I guess people here are not that bad at all, now that that's said, I know some of you will resume the ridicule, but being one with the Creator YHWH is the only way from the truth, and righteousness that He left for us in the book of remembrance, the so called OT, the obvious truth, from Genesis - Malachi, the last prophet until this day.
Even so, the subject and the subjective aim were still treated as distinct, such that the subjective could only be one feeling among others.
Christians are such arrogant people to feel that theirs is the only real religion and God loves only them.
Again, this is not to suggest that an event such as X «will occur» in the future in the same sense that it has occurred in the past but only that the present occurrence of X will remain an unalterable feature of at least some subsequent feelings.
Brad, Christians are such arrogant people to feel that theirs is the only real religion and God loves only them.
According to Hartshorne, no amount of explanation in terms of efficient causality can account for the precise eventual character of a new creative synthesis; such historical explanations are valuable only in explaining the general outline and predictability of the future and the necessity of each new feeling having had its own specific causal
The typical Western man probably feels sure that angels, devils, and spirits do not exist in reality but only as figments in deluded imaginations, but he is not ashamed to admit that he does not yet know whether there are such entities as people on other planets.
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