Sentences with phrase «such feelings when»

This is one of the reasons why women prefer to dating a rich man, so they also have such feelings when dating a sugar daddy.
There are individuals who find it easier to overcome such feeling when they try to relax which they will do by taking deep breaths and relaxing the muscles.

Not exact matches

I feel like there's always such a sense of resistance when a new thing comes out, like Twitch came out, and we were all like, that's ridiculous, or Periscope or even all of the VR stuff with Oculus and Vive.
I am so thankful for my upbringing and feel incredibly lucky when I speak to other young women like myself for having such an incredible support system in my parents.
Some exchanges such as Coinbase simply said they would not support Bitcoin Cash and urged their users to who felt otherwise to withdraw their coins prior to August 1, when the cryptocurrency forked.
I took my parents to In & Out for the first time and felt like such an insider when I told them about this «secret» that isn't really a secret because everyone wants to tell the next person about it.
His staff was able to be decisive when it counted; his brand gained a powerful addition to its narrative, plus a devoted customer; and the call center rep felt empowered by being granted such license.
While just over half of them felt it is «wrong» when such wide income disparities occur, around the same number of business leaders felt income inequality shouldn't be viewed as a problem.
Thinking about things you enjoy can be almost as effective as actually doing the activity which makes you happy: «the part of the brain responsible for feeling pleasure, the mesolimbic dopamine system, can be activated when merely thinking about something pleasurable, such as drinking one's favorite brand of beer or driving one's favorite type of sports car.
Finally, Dobbin and Kalev hypothesize that when managers see such programs instituted, they feel blamed for the lack of diversity and react badly to that.
Use statements such as, «I notice this...» or «I am impacted when...» instead of «you never do this...» or «you always make me feel that...» Words like «always» and «never» sound accusatory and often put people on the defensive.
It found when women worked more than 34 hours per week and men spent over 47 hours a week working, they were more likely to experience mental illness and symptoms of distress such as nervousness or feeling low.
When Lehman and Zechory recently announced a list of Genius company values such as «Feel It to My Face» (never be afraid to tell others what you're thinking) and «Take the Roast out of the Oven» (unleash incomplete products into the world and see what happens), Moghadam immediately sent an unprompted email declaring «I think Tom has finally lost his f — ing mind — RIP.
When lying, people also instinctively cover vulnerable body parts, such as the head, neck, or abdomen, because lying makes them feel exposed, vulnerable, and open to attack.
Smaller players such as Fairmont and Omni may feel compelled to offer instant rewards to get the attention of business travelers, though when it comes to perks like WiFi, even the larger players are capitulating to consumer demand; InterContinental newly instituted free WiFi this month to its higher membership tiers with universal access to all members beginning in 2014.
And you should feel even worse when you learn that in countries such as Afghanistan, voters risk their lives to have their say.
One of the most rewarding things is seeing clients feel such a tremendous sense of relief when they realize it is not «them against the world».
But when the pullback doesn't come, or is very minor, such as a sideways correction by time instead, they begin to feel strong feelings of regret.
An indicator based on the theory that a consumer turns to less expensive indulgences, such as lipstick, when she (or he) feels less than confident about the future.
What about the feeling you get when you're in such a good conversation time disappears?
Often, the best time to enter in the overall trend direction, is when it feels like maybe you shouldn't; these retracements can often seem like tops or bottoms, and many traders trade them as such, and then get burned as the dominant trend resumes.
I still have more active than passive income streams, but my dividend income has been on the rise and it's such a great feeling when I see money coming in.
However, when people play table games such as Black Jack at the Royal Vegas Online Casino, it is going to feel as if most of the cash transactions and most of everything that goes on there manages to be indirect.
For most investors REITs are unknown, but it's such a simple investment case that every dividend investor should feel comfortable joining the table when REITs are the discussion topic.
A similar proportion (92 per cent) feel that when Canadian companies and executives are involved in unethical or corrupt practices — such as paying bribes — they should face tough consequences.
14 % of respondents believe that insider trading practices in the alternative investment industry have become less prevalent since the FBI arrested Raj Rajaratnam and scared the bejeezus out of everyone, a noticeable drop from January 2016 when 25 % of respondents felt this way; 37 % of respondents think the news of arrests and convictions there has had little impact on insider trading because those who engage in such practices think they are smarter than everyone else and will never get caught, compared with 39 % of respondents in 2016; and 49 % of respondents believe the influx of money into funds in recent years and the explosion in the number of hedge fund firms has put enough pressure on fund managers that there will always be a few desperate enough to try anything, including insider trading, a significant increase from the 36 % of respondents who felt this way in the Roundtable's previous survey on this topic.
When asked where they believe the biggest risks for insider trading lie, 44 % of respondents said that they believe it is firms with an attitude of being untouchable among the top level of management, compared to 24 % of people who felt this way in January 2016; 35 % think the biggest risk is rogue employees, down from 59 % of respondents; and 21 % think it is the ease of circumventing company monitoring through work around technologies, such as gaming stations and disposable mobile phones, up from 17 % in 2016.
I had in my heart and tongue the Name of Allah when ever I had fears, troubles or depression of any kind but from Jan 05 1995 when had lost my father and second brother in a car accident, it was the time I really felt am alone at age of 33 to face all the challenges my father has left upon me to run and manage among other partners therefore had been investigating the Quran as to understanding every word of it rather than to memorize it, have been did a lot of reciting verses of prayers begging God to look upon me and give me strength... am sure through such difficult times if I had no faith in God I would have perished and lost every thing long ago... Another thing my heart always gave me signs and my mind gave me logic of what to believe although have read many books abroad in my youth of many beliefs out of curiosity but could not belief in other than that God is one and Muhammed is his last prophet in all belief of the Quran he brought upon me / us in all that it says... Should mention at times had experienced dreams seeing signs and warnings long in advance of things going to happen A year or more before losing my father in a car accident I had seen him in my dream good bye wearing white cloth and going to board a tourist ship all crew dressed in white uniform rolling a red carpet on front of him and when was on the top of the stairs weaver smiling good bye... seen in another dream how or wealth will be stolen and what I will hold... so many things like that..
And how do you even defend yourself against such a barrage when someone thinks it's their human right to foul the air with any kind of language they «damn well» please, anytime they feel like it?
Blind faith is used as a caution By one that knows when teaching the ignorant about such things as fire for example, when the student comprehends feeling heat, they learn without burning themselves.
Damnation isn't being burned in a hell fire (though it might be described as such, but think about it — you feel no physical pain when you are dead).
Our instincts are such that we feel bad when other people are hurt and we try not to cause that to happen.
Can say that I believe in every thing that you disbelief of when it comes to the Creator and the Creation of universe, life and guidance, God has given me hearing, seeing, thinking and heart feelings to see and experience signs and small miracles to have faith in him and continue with good deeds I was told of in his Holy Book although am not perfect at that but nothing to lose but contrary to that there are more to gain in life and life after... For those disbelievers they lose their senses by being locked and blocked from such experiences... It is all about souls as verses speak for them selves;
(Note, too, how the emphasis on feelings allows the evangelist to de-emphasize doctrinal differences among the denominations; when referring to such distinctions, Pat does it with a chuckle.)
When we speak publicly on «the larger issues of life» simply because of the feeling of power such action provides, we risk ridicule.
You hate when people show you where you are wrong or where your bible fails... to admit the problems within that book would start to destroy your life... I feel bad for you to be living such a shallow life in need to the non-existent to get by.
In another letter, when asked about his thoughts about building a monument to Gen. Thomas «Stonewall» Jackson, he said again it just wasn't a good idea: «As regards the erection of such a monument as is contemplated, my conviction is, that, however grateful it would be to the feelings of the South, the attempt, in the present condition of the country, would have the effect of retarding instead of accelerating its accomplishment, and of continuing if not adding to the difficulties under which the Southern people labor.»
He was born under such and such circumstances; he came under the formative influences of the people to which he belonged; and when upon reaching maturity he felt an inner impulse and call to this end, he began in his own way to teach others.
However we may feel about adoration and praise, including it in «vocal» prayer or letting it serve as a kind of borderline approach to «mental» prayer, it is obvious that when we come to meditation we are concerned with a kind of exercise that can quite readily be carried on with no verbal articulation u such.
Governor Winthrop summed up the feelings of the court when he said, «Now the mercy of God by a providence hath answered our desires and made her to lay open herself and the ground of all these disturbances to be by revelations, for we receive no such
For instance when the interviewees were asked how they now handle their hostile feelings, twenty - nine gave answers showing repressive handling, such as: «I feel all bound up — all under control.
When I realize that the particular conclusions generated by the serious reflection that arises from such assumptions have only the authority of those assumptions, then I feel free to turn to another philosophy that includes among its data human persons and their interactions; for my perception of reality is such that these seem to me at least as real and ultimate as sense data and mechanical relations.
And here is the moment when friendship is sealed: they reach out for those words, those secrets, and treat it with such tender care, with such beauty and welcome and kindness, that you exhale a breath you've held for decades, and think, yeah, yeah, I did it, and you feel knit together, woven and spun.
There were pictures of women, every tribe, every tongue, on every wall, and so it felt like everyone here in the world was there with us, somehow, and a gigantic canvas on the stairs said: There is no such thing as small change, and the famous red couch at Idelette's was worn out and comfortable, especially with Kelley sprawled on it, twisting her hair unconcernedly when she really got talking about the theology of adoption and Lord, yes, that woman can preach and teach in a living room beside a piano better than some preachers I've seen in thousand - dollar suits on a television show.
thinks, that the Tigris and the Euphrates have not a common source, that the Dead Sea had been in existence long before human beings came to live in Palestine, instead of originating in historical times, and so on... We are able to comprehend this as the naive conception of the men of old, but we can not regard belief in the literal truth of such accounts as an essential of religious conviction... And every one who perceives the peculiar poetic charm of these old legends must feel irritated by the barbarian — for there are pious barbarians — who thinks he is putting the true value upon these narratives only when he treats them as prose and history.
When I read this, about 15 years ago, I was stunned that God wanted His people to use the tithe to celebrate with our families and to help the less financially «properous» people (instead of judging them) I had such mixed feelings, of freedom and joy in God but also a kind of betrayal from what has been taught, almost to scare us.
They have made me feel worthless and treat me like a criminal when I have done nothing that would justify such action.
«Until we know the power of divine grace, we read in the Bible concerning eternal punishment, and we think it is too heavy and too hard, and we are apt to kick against it, and find out some heretic or other who teaches us another doctrine; but when the soul is really quickened by divine grace, and made to feel the weight of sin, it thinks the bottomless pit none too deep, and the punishment of hell none too severe for sin such as it has committed.
More precisely, the class of nexal sets is defined as follows: A set N of two or more actual entities is a nexal set when it satisfies the following condition: For any two actual entities x and y in N, either (1) x feels or is felt by y, or (2) there is an actual entity a in N such that (a) x feels or is felt by z and (b) a feels or is felt by y. or (3) there are actual entities a and w in N such that (a) x feels or is felt by z and (b) z feels or is felt by w and (c) w feels or is felt by y. or (4) there are actual entities z, w, and v in N such that (a) x feels or is felt by a and (b) a feels or is felt by w and (c) w feels or is felt by v and (d) v feels or is felt by y. or (5)(and so forth).
When I read comments such as many of these I feel physically ill.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z