Sentences with phrase «such good flavor»

You could skip it if you really want to, but it adds such a good flavor and texture that I would leave it in.
I would never have thought to put that in but I can see how it would add such good flavor.
I'm loving the bread and naan recipes, plus we're saving so much money and getting such better flavor by making it at home.
The sunflower seeds add such a good flavor, and I am so glad that it means your sister can enjoy it too:) I use some cashews in the vegan parm, but raw sunflower seeds would be a great sub there too.
Such good flavor... thank you Isa!
You could use raw almonds but I think roasted just have such a better flavor and texture.
These peppers had such good flavor and the filling was so easy to put together.
I love this, it has such good flavor, and I can store any leftovers in the fridge or freezer.
Homemade brownies have such a better flavor than store - bought.
lol... I am making a half batch this morning because I don't have enough for tonight... This has such a good flavor.
The lard really does add such good flavor.
they have such good flavor!
Such a good flavor.
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