Sentences with phrase «such good intentions of»

Speaking of design updates, I always have such good intentions of updating the seasonal art on my chalkboards, too.

Not exact matches

Such statements include, but are not limited to, statements about the continued demand for our product, the wind - down of ExpressJet's flying agreement with Delta, and the related removal from service and / or placement into service of certain aircraft, the scheduled aircraft deliveries for SkyWest Airlines for 2018, as well as SkyWest's future financial and operating results, plans, objectives, expectations, estimates, intentions and outlook, and other statements that are not historical facts.
No matter how good their intentions, the net result of most such efforts has typically been neutral at best, and can sometimes be deeply destructive.
Such a person is unfit to be seen in the company of better people ¯ the intention is to banish him.
Perfection in loving intention can not be expected of spouses, yet such imperfection can not make a good act intrinsically disordered.
It had been my intention in recent years to publish just such a study, but now I am persuaded this sort of analysis can best be pursued cooperatively.
The response to those such as Rushkoff and others has been a well - intentioned though historically inaccurate and socially misguided attempt at reasserting the old twentieth - century idea of peoplehood as a starting point for Jewish identity.
Many believed that a war that had been motivated by good intentions, such as the «defense of freedom,» had gone awry.
Such conversion may well lead one to institutional affiliation with others of similar intention and to the use of certain verbal formulations of faith, since the inward reorientation needs some social and symbolic embodiment.
Instead of such a self - defeating hermeneutic, it would seem better to hold to the unity of Scripture in its parts and whole, even while continuing to seek the individual author's intention and historical context for those clues that would allow us to maintain Scripture's integrity.
And it is the simple want of that intention to please God, Law points out, that explains why «you see such a mixture of sin and folly in the lives even of the better sort of people.»
Most of the bishops had little idea that such a «Palace Revolution» had occurred during and after the Council in their universities and seminaries, they gave these new, eager minds free rein with the best of intentions.
But aside from that this potential can be used for good (such as orienting us as a community to bring practical expressions of God's love to the world, such as pursuing social justice) or for evil (such as when we turn our worship services into corporate naval gazing that never moves beyond the intention to touch the world — there is far too much of this kinda BS pretending to be worship of God, the Bible would call this idolatry).
Nevertheless, Courtney feels differently, saying that no matter how well - intentioned such work might be, it still runs the risk of discrediting other aid organizations.
Some have denied the fact outright, such as the Catholic League's well - intentioned ad in the October 2, 1995 edition of the New York Times, which stated that «they speak about values, you speak about virtues.»
To learn to put up with this empirical church is the way both of Christian humility at its best and of Christian growth in God's grace, not to mention the patent fact that such cooperation may do much to make the empirical institution more conformable to its intention and significance as the Body of Christ.
Ardor, excitement, susceptibility to sudden feeling, the flare of good intentionssuch forces set men going, but they do not enable men to carry on when the going is hard.
In a society increasingly aware of the ways in which gender, race, class and worldview shape our ways of knowing, my good intentions quickly proved to be insufficient in working with such diversity.
With the new «normalization» of homosexuality in the general culture, with the acceptance of that normalization by many priests and not a few bishops, and with consequences such as the sex abuse scandals, the Church simply can not afford to take the risks that were taken, frequently with the best intentions, in the past.
is such one great post that has answered my many years of challenged moments why such programs, systems failed despite our good intentions to share and reach out to the non believers.
I'm sure it can be frustrating for folks who spend days at such conventions working and praying through these resolutions to face criticism afterward, so I want to say at the outset that I trust these decisions are made with the best of intentions.
The whole task of identifying intentions seems fraught with peril; for a sophisticated attempt to grapple with these problems, and a forthright account of the difficulties involved in speaking of such intentions, a reader could do no better than to consult the first chapter of Jack Rakove's Pulitzer Prize — winning Original Meanings: Politics and ideas in the Making of the Constitution (1997).
I had such great intentions of making these last year and well... didn't.
Kroenke's move to takeover the club amidst all this uncertainty may well be due to his intention to spend big in the coming years in the transfer market, in order to secure the future of the club, and to assure himself of all the rewards of such a splurge.
this year started good, but our squad needs such a big overhaul that laca and kola are not enough, we need a least 4 top aggressive, commanding players to play defense and central midfield, but wenger has no intention of doing that.
Comments such as «you can try again» or «time is a healer» all spoken and meant with the very best of intentions can feel belittling and dismissive to the grief for the longed for baby that has died.
So many mothers I see have wound up with breastfeeding problems such as low supply or their baby refusing to breastfeed and preferring the bottle purely because of a few well intentioned comment.
Our well - intentioned but over-exuberant ministrations of water, soaps, and lotions, strip away the skin's natural oils leading to dryness and irritation, and frequently expose your baby's tender skin to harsh (and, arguably, toxic) ingredients such as sodium lauryl sulfate, preservatives, and artificial fragrances.
Sleep is such a tricky topic, I think no matter what method a family employs, we all have similar intentions — to give our children the GIFT of good sleep habits!
It's such a pain, I know, and it can easily wear down the best of a parent's healthy sleep habit intentions.
«I can not in good conscience continue to serve and run for office with the risk of an adverse Hatch Act finding or the intention to fight such a determination,» said Mayor Richards.
These statements represent our intentions, expectations and beliefs concerning future events, including, among other things, our future revenue profits and financial condition, our ability to maintain our patents, generate revenues from the commercialization of our patents and trademarks, secure compliance with our intellectual property rights, and develop, maintain or increase sales to new and existing customers, as well as future economic conditions and the impact of such conditions on our business.
I've met many reasonable omnis and even some well intentioned and reasonable paleos... the lack of honesty by some, only hurts whatever they think their «cause» is, such paleos are underminining it.
This is one of the number one reasons it's hard to take «alternative» practitioners seriously, despite their good intentions: That is to say that we have such great control over our bodily pH. We don't (unless you were to, say, eat a box of baking soda or something), and the body regulates this very well, as a drop or gain of tenths of magnitude simply would result in coma and death.
It's such a busy time of year and getting organized seemed like the perfect way to ensure my good intentions didn't fall flat.
But such a label, however well - intentioned, does a disservice to Cholodenko's admirable avoidance of social tract.
It's obvious this is a well - intentioned, sensitive labor of love, and Hooper's strategy of keeping it safe is bound to bring in folks who might otherwise avoid such material.
In Solondz's cruel, nihilistic world, the utterance of such a well - intentioned and cliched idea can only infer imminent suffering for the dog.
For that reason, interested parties are better off checking out some of the documentaries, such as «Gulîstan, Land of Roses,» rather than this well - intentioned yet cliché - riddled lunge at the tear ducts.
His latest documentary, He Named Me Malala, a plea for the value of education that centers around the heroic efforts of Noble Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai, is such a mediocre garble of good intentions that it ends up diluting its subject's urgent message.
Such best intentions are at the core of this latest from director Marc Webb (his first feature since 500 Days of Summer) and writer Tom Flynn.
Little does she know that surprises and unknown alterations to the life of someone with autism, no matter how well intentioned, cause such anxiety almost to the point of, and in some cases, a breakdown.
Well - intentioned school leaders want to ensure that poor, minority children get what they need to improve their reading scores and have been told that helping such students requires direct and explicit teaching of literacy skills.
Of course, those who make a genuine effort to teach in such difficult circumstances deserve our respect, and the reader will start this book rightly sympathetic to the «best intentions» of the authoOf course, those who make a genuine effort to teach in such difficult circumstances deserve our respect, and the reader will start this book rightly sympathetic to the «best intentions» of the authoof the author.
By no stretch of the imagination does such rhetoric hold water, good intentions notwithstanding.
Such an approach could threaten schools» and districts» ability to provide each student with a well - rounded education, a result that seems to be the exact opposite intention of the administration.
The field of education is strewn with the corpses of well - intentioned programs that failed to lead to action because developers failed to give teachers motivating feedback; connect new learning to relevant past teaching; establish long - term supports (such as peer coaching or action research); or consider how the program's approach might interact with teachers» emotions.
No wonder that a study of teachers experiencing such traditional teacher evaluation found that 41 percent of teachers said their evaluation was «just a formality,» and another 32 percent said at best it was «well - intentioned but not particularly helpful» to their teaching practice (Duffett, Farkas, Rotherham, and Silva, 2008).
Such questions are particularly appropriate in a troubling cultural context in which teachers often feel that they have become functionaries under the surveillance of an administrative bureaucracy (no matter how well - intentioned).
Such an approach could threaten schools» and districts» ability to provide each student with a well - rounded education, a result that seems to be the exact opposite intention of the bill.
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