Sentences with phrase «such great interest»

Why is it that «continuity» is of such great interest to all countries around the world?
We are so excited to be homeowners and it is a real blessing that we were able to get a home loan at such a great interest rate.
I personally don't think 1 % is such a great interest rate.
You honestly have the best edgy shoe collection, you've never rocked a pair I didn't absolutely love, they always add such great interest and juxtaposition to your feminine pieces.
It is no surprise that there would be such great interest in Africa, as it has an estimated population of roughly 1.2 billion people who have a need for goods and services.
The Gale crater is of such great interest because of the 5.5 km high mountain of layered materials in the middle.
Eleanor Howes, General Manager of the charity said: «We are delighted to be returning to Birmingham again — a city that has always given us such a warm welcome and shown such great interest and enthusiasm in our workshops, amongst parents, the public and professionals.
I've enjoyed browsing many of your decorating projects so far — I think my favorite is the orange entryway with the Ikea mirrors, it adds such great interest to the walls!
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