Sentences with phrase «such habits»

I get in such a habit of doing the same routine I get bored, but I feel so motivated when I switch it all up a bit.
I've been in such a habit of always wearing a skirt, and jeans come along and I don't know what to do with the difference of those proportions!
It's hard for me to go to sleep without anything on my lips because it has become such a habit over the years.
Full citation invites those with such habits to consult the passage.
But I keep my phone on the left, and I'm too old to change such habits.
Such a habit not only generates low self - esteem but also depression, anxiety, ADHD and a whole host of emotional illnesses.
A drug addict, who has been abusing drugs for more than half of his years, may find it difficult to get away from such a habit.
With that, Online people dating becomes obsolete beings although your profile will investigate such habits and will be you, summer becomes, with whom people voted, with you not simply compatible.
Teachers help cultivate such habits of mind by modeling self - assessment and goal setting and by expecting students to apply these habits regularly.
Those programmed good habits are good training, and both humans and dogs need such habits.
If you wish to grow your money then you need to avoid such habits.
Such a habit leads a person to pursue his bliss and to lead a life of success and happiness.
This can become such a habit that they miss out on their own joy during pregnancy.
There is always, in such habits, an implied goal, which is the full development of the habit's tendency.
Even Aristotle advocated waking up early, famously quipping, «It is well to be up before daybreak, for such habits contribute to health, wealth, and wisdom.»
It is well to be up before daybreak, for such habits contribute to health, wealth, and wisdom.
Look at ways of healthy eating we have spoken at length about in the Psoriasis Diet book, such habits include eating away from computers and TV screens, slowing down when you eat, chewing foods, etc..
Motivate them to break the habits and provide them with rewards if they will be able to break such habits in an efficient manner.
As our founders rightly insisted, people governed by such habits of mind and conduct have no need of a monarch.
These are the qualities that, unfortunately, belong to an earlier era and, in Noonan's case, to a certain kind of Bostonian in whom such habits were once bred in the bone.
If only a handful would adopt such habits.
These unhealthy habits contribute to the United States» abysmal childhood obesity statistics, but such habits start earlier than kids» high school years.
If you have such a habit then you would definitely know that the American actress Kate Hudson's childhood was full of ballet dancing and she was diligently practicing all the complicated movements under her mother's discipline.
We even saw misbehavior as an opening, an opportunity to teach such habits and not an obstacle to it.
Interventions like CASE, Resnick argues, succeed because they create environments that foster such habits and that «treat kids as smart every day.»
Instead of spending those first few years learning such habits, you and your husband can sail on to being hospitable, Christ - sharing, love - exemplifying, charitable, and gracious... all because you cultivated a heart that desires to serve others in the area of home - keeping.
The development of such habits helps their siblings (our future students).»
Some people under the yoke of credit card debt resort to using many things to in order to escape from the pressure, but such habits only makes matters worse in the long run.
He also admits that his observations became such a habit that he now has to consciously avoid scrutinising kissing couples.
While admitting staff has mostly been consistent, James Kosa's experience with such habits hasn't been encouraging.
Look at ways of healthy eating we have spoken at length about in the Psoriasis Diet book (part of The Psoriasis Program), such habits include eating away from computers and TV screens, slowing down when you eat, chewing foods, etc..
Do you actually think before you type, or are you just in such a habit of knee - jerk blasting liberals and atheists that you are no longer capable of typing a rational comment?
There is a critical window for breaking in such habits and by depriving the puppy of normal behaviors they may later become traumatized by simple everyday routines.
Included are such habit - forming narcotics as opium, morphine, cocaine, heroin, and marijuana.
It becomes such a habit that each meal is full of delicious vegetables it seems strange if they're not on the plate, like you've ditched an old friend
One such habit is officially the discussion of this post.
In fact, it grew to be such a habit, that I found myself going to the pantry to get the natural sweetener.
It's easier that way, and not to bring Boston sports too much into this, but its pre-2001 history is definitely a part of why watching games with one eye on the negative is such a habit.
Your child needs to be aware of such habit and hence, it is essential that you involve them in the treatment.
If he does not have such a habit, and it is hard for your baby to fall sleep, you can try to use an approach to let him cry out.
Such habits are a way of coping with stress.
The State Governor, Mr Akinwunmi Ambode, who handed down the warning at a meeting with leaders of Agbado Oke - Odo Market held at Lagos House in Ikeja, said the activities of the traders who were in such habit had reached a level which the State Government could no longer condone, hence the need for a final warning.
The State Governor, Mr Akinwunmi Ambode, who handed down the warning at a meeting with leaders of Agbado Oke - Odo Market held at Lagos House in Ikeja, said the activities of the traders who are in such habit had reached a level which the State Government could no longer condone, hence the need for a final warning.
In fact, for some, such habits are the default setting.
The key to good manners is to make them such a habit that they become automatic.
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