Sentences with phrase «such high returns»

Few professional services for individuals have the potential for such a high return on investment.
I feel a bit stupid for believing I could get such high returns, I got very confused I guess... Thank you to anyone that can clarify my mess.
Because of such high return, we have driven the car all over the place!
We've never seen such a high return on investment.
This is creating some buzz in the market as none of the money back / endowment plans provide such high returns.
What I want to say here is that if just an announcement of doing something good for the health of the public sector enterprises or overall economy can deliver such high returns in such a short period of time, then I think nobody has truly imagined the actual potential of these CPSEs and PSUs if the government honestly gets serious with its duty to run these companies professionally.
With such a high return on investment, the BSLMF serves as a great investment option in large - cap schemes.
However kindly note such high return (80 % in a year or 30 % in 3 months) can't continue forever.Sooner or later it will be averaged and will stand anywhere 20 % -30 % annualized return..
Rupee cost averaging and power of compounding are the reasons for such a high return on investment.
Because I get such high returns in my wealth preservation strategy with almost no risk, it doesn't make sense for me to get less than 200 % IRR annualized on urban development.
Given the emphasis that the actual cartel — the DECC, quangos, and ENGOs — have put on renewable energy, which rewards new players on the electricity market with such high returns, making conventional energy even more expensive, it is hard to see how the plans to transform the market will yield any benefit to the consumer.
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