Sentences with phrase «such hotspots»

This is why these vents are such hotspots for life.
In such hotspots the WHO panel estimated that the fallout has increased the risks of most cancers in children by only a few percent — though for thyroid cancer in young girls the increased risk was put at 70 %.
The consistent occurrence of such hotspots in all three scenarios, despite significant land - use variations, «underscores the need to address transportation issues holistically when considering health outcomes,» the researchers state.
Geologists have identified some 40 - 50 such hotspots around the globe, with Hawaii, Reunion, Yellowstone, Galapagos, and Iceland overlying the most currently active.
Inspired by a 2012 paper that proposed a correlation between such hotspots and the velocity of seismic waves moving through Earth's interior, UC Santa Barbara geochemist Matthew Jackson teamed with the authors of the original paper — Thorsten Becker of the University of Texas at Austin and Jasper Konter of the University of Hawaii — to show that only the hottest hotspots with the slowest wave velocity draw from the primitive reservoir formed early in the planet's history.
By running millions of simulations in which they dot the sky with 72 random points, researchers estimate the chances that random cosmic rays could produce such a hotspot at one in 2700, the Telescope Array team explains in a paper in press at The Astrophysical Journal Letters.
One such hotspot exists off Anvers Island — along the western Antarctic Peninsula — where high densities of Antarctic krill episodically concentrate near the shore close to a number of Adélie penguin breeding colonies.
Why is Mount Rainier such a hotspot for lenticular sightings?
Since such hotspots often require a login first — and some sort of box ticked or button clicked to agree to terms and conditions — WiFi Sense can use your preset credentials (name, number, and email address) to automatically register or sign in.
One trip to the sensational Amalfi Coast is enough to see why it is such a hotspot for well - travelled and discerning visitors.
As the first worldwide search for such hotspots, the research strengthens the argument for new marine protected areas and pinpoints areas where such no - fishing zones would be most effective.
Still, it's important to remember that TNR opponents aren't limiting their attention to such hotspots.
It isn't clear that such hotspots are likely to become permanent, and it isn't obvious that global warming is in this case a factor.
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