Sentences with phrase «such human ways»

In 1964, ELIZA, a computer developed by Joseph Weizenbaum as an experiment in artificial intelligence, listened to people's stories and responded in such human ways that people seemed to forget the machine couldn't really understand them.
You not only explore your own thoughts, but you can crystallize conflict in such a human way.

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Inside, the brothers Heath reveal the anatomy of ideas that stick and explain ways to make ideas stickier, such as applying the «human scale principle,» using the «Velcro Theory of Memory,» and creating «curiosity gaps.»
One of the best ways to prevent artificial intelligence from harming humans might be to shape the concept of AI in such a way that harm seems antithetical to the definition of the technology, University of California - Berkeley computer science professor Stuart Russell suggested.
Let these 20 quotes from Dr. Wayne Dyer motivate you to become more as a human being, tap into your limitless potential and take time out of your busy day to remember a man that transformed millions of lives in such a profound and powerful way.
But cognitive research suggests something deeper — that the human brain has evolved in such a way that it's more likely to see visuals as «true» and words as, literally, «debatable.»
Previously, 24me had a partnership with TaskRabbit, and it says it will soon offer ways (as yet undisclosed) to complete human - dependent tasks such as getting an oil change.
Social media has been such a game - changer in the way we communicate, and in what we expect and consider as normal human behavior.
By simply allowing yourself to accept reality for what it is, instead of fantasizing about human nature in such a way that you could be «rescued» from your daily circumstances, you're making a tremendous step forward.
The problem, Hedge explains, is that the human brain is wired in such a way as to make ignoring our noisy co-workers nearly impossible.
With such a mass of information, the only way for humans to make any sense of the world is to make some approximations and assumptions, to look for the patterns, and try to find the constellations in the mess of stars.
Salk Institute scientists say they have developed a superior way of cultivating human brain tissue, guiding research for treating neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's.
«In an adversarial environment where the algorithm is under attack, it's YouTube's responsibility to design the system in such a way that it is resilient to this kind of manipulation, even if that means including human moderators,» Wilson says.
A group of researchers discovered that ultrasonic frequencies inaudible to humans can be used as a way to access voice - enabled assistants such as Siri, Google Assistant, and Cortana.
@Chuckles I was not being hostile, but am just trying to point out that you are basically willing to conflate any similar cognitive errors such as we have as humans as being significant in any way in religious terms, should it happen that we encounter some alien species that also has idiots who think imaginary stuff is real.
The only way to find compatibility in such a worldview is by accepting a religion with no authority on the most meaningful matters of human existence.»
Can the human mind please God in such a way, that we can ask angels to hold up bridges.
My daily role is to communicate the realities of human trafficking in such a way that people are hopefully inspired to action.
Ya, hinduism bragging of a hindu atheist, filthy self centered, not way of human, but of hindu filthy animals, such as a pig, otherwise known as a secular.
Or can process thought find some way to defend itself against the charge that it has retained human factors that are not essential to experience as such?
Your parishioners, in other words, are human and have human responses, but there is no way of getting such facts on a computer printout.
To meet the person where they are is to begin with the phenomena of their life, and to strive to engage them in such a way as to enable them to see that their own phenomenal experience can, if they listen closely, reveal the truth of the Catholic vision of the human person.
To maximize the public world is to maximize this sharing, where «maximize» refers to the only Whiteheadian way in which human sharing as such can be greater or less, namely, in the beauty achieved.
He denied he was a universalist, but it was a difficult line for him to hold because he had such a strong view of Christ's death for our sins that he could not find a way to understand how it could not cover all humans.
Ministers, he says, should «invite such members back for a potluck supper, where instead of dealing with the issue in a confrontational way, they're able to deal with it in a very human way
God takes the most evil event in human history, and He redeems it in such a way so that most people today do not even think of it as evil, but as the most holy and righteous event in human history.
The lesson to be learned is to stop imposing human moral values on nature and to live as part of the ecosystem in such a way that the whole flourishes.
For this reason the legend must be told in such a way that two things are apparent: how the saint was so holy that he controlled his surroundings; and how his life, from infancy, was under divine guidance and protection and hence was lifted out, by God Himself, from the mass of human misfortune.
For example, a realistic interpretation of the sentence, «The stone is gray, is that there exists independent of human experience an entity called a «stone» qualified in a distinctive way such that the term «gray» is appropriate to it.
The bigger picture, however, is that my own inconsistency would constitute a barrier to a serious engagement with the material — and such engagement is the only way that they will not only expand their knowledge base but also grow as human beings.
It is also, of course, what we have called the metaphorical method, taking the human in all its particularity and mundanity as one partner in associations to move beyond the human — but in such a way that that human is never left behind.
This image must include the notion of humanity living in symbiotic harmony with the natural environment, and organized technologically and politically in such a way as to provide equal access to the means of human fulfillment to all of the earth's people.
Such repeated failure of human attempts to end war merely emphasizes the truth of Jeremiah's words: «I well know, O Jehovah, that to earthling man his way does not belong.
Of course such dissemination of information can never be a substitute for Christian living, for Christian witness to the truth and Christian ways of coping with human situations.
If God desires to speak to human beings, he must do so in such a way that he can be understood.
He will not require not merely that the new knowledge be used as the foundation of the proof, but that the very spirit and atmosphere of the new knowledge enter in such a way into thedemonstration of God's existence, that the complexities and confusions of human thought engendered by the new knowledge shall be resolved in harmonious unity in the postulate of God's existence, nature, and relation to created being.
I have often thought, particularly when working in the diocesan marriage tribunal, that our acknowledgement of the fact of Original Sin gives us such a head start when it comes to understanding human nature, and why people act the way they do.
For «providence» is a word which tells us of the conviction that God exercises a never - failing and personal control over, even as he unfailingly works within, the events and circumstances of life, molding them and molding us in such a way that his grace and power are manifested in human history and in personal experience.
This is a realistic image in the sense that people can live that way and, its advocates insist, can live well; for they believe that such and only such a way of life is in tune with the deepest rhythms of the bodily and psychic functioning of human beings.
Two sentences in the discussion of reason in the earlier version of the report could be taken to support the use of such analysis: «By reason we relate our witness to the full range of human knowledge and experience,» and «By our quest for reasoned understandings of Christian faith we seek to grasp and express the gospel in a way that will commend itself to thoughtful persons who are seeking to know and follow God's ways
It will eventually destroy innocent human lives (such as unborn children and religious minorities) and bring strifes among people one way or another because of the shedding of innocent blood.
Yet, if his body was raised physically from the grave and did not see corruption, or if his body was transformed after death into something different, in such a way that in itself it was annihilated, then he did not experience the whole of our human destiny.
Also no fellow human can know us in such a way that we can be sure that his acceptance includes everything about us, or that it will last.
We react with horror at the idea that humans could be treated in such a way — as disposables.
The decisive matter is that the spirit of God has come into history in such a way as to plough up the old forms of human existence and to open the way to new human actions.
John McDermott suggests, in an extreme way, such a state of human existence when he writes: «In short, I believe that the being of being is to be disconnected, ontologically adrift, casting a net here, a hook there and all the while confusing a strategy with a solution» (PAPA 11).
Still, such theorists also continue, as did Kant himself, the modern natural law tradition, at least in the following way: The duties prescribed by nonteleological liberalism are defined in terms of rights that are prior to any inclusive good; that is, these rights are separated from, and respect for them overrides, any inclusive telos humans might pursue.
The Bible makes two things clear: God has considered giving up on the human race, but decided not to give up; and, as such he is committed to saving us, much the same way a loving parent is committed to a child, who has lost their way.
Their economies should be labor intensive rather than energy intensive; produce more durable goods to reduce waste; use local materials in building; consume locally grown foods; engage in organic farming; utilize organic garbage; depend on perennial polyculture, aqua - culture and permaculture; favor trains as well as human - powered machines such as bicycles; employ solar power and other on - site modes of producing energy; and in various ways operate on self - nourishing, self - healing, self - governing principles.
What stands out in Luke are the depth of his human sympathies, his sense of wonder, amazement, and joy at the power of the gospel, his poetic insight which led him not only to tell the Christmas story in a way that captivates old and young alike after nineteen centuries, but also to incorporate such lovely poems as the «Magnificat» of Mary, Zachariah's «Benedictus,» and Simeon's «Nunc Dimittis.»
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