Sentences with phrase «such judgment»

The court also found that fairness and equity allowed the disregarding of the corporate shield, as the Brokerage had few assets to pay a judgment in favor of the Buyers and also did not have insurance coverage for such a judgment.
To be frank and realistic, we do not have the training, expertise or experience to make such a judgment call and determination.
I'm not here to make any such judgment calls, I'm just hoping to provide a few clues that you may be working alongside one.
Worried about being negatively judged, with some concerned that such judgment might affect custody of their children.
Procedure - Illinois Judgment: Begin a modification action in the judicial district where such judgment was entered with notice or summons to the non-moving party.
grant a new trial, to so certify the evidence, and to enter such judgment as should have been entered upon that evidence at the same time granting to the party against whom the decision is rendered an exception to the action of the court in that regard.
My guess is that most countries would not recognize such a judgment, but it isn't an easy or obvious question.
Further, it would be unfair on the defendant to enter such a judgment when he in fact served an acknowledgment and had only just received the benefit of legal advice.
§ 51 -12-5.1 (e)(2)(«Upon issuance of judgment [for punitive damages], the state shall have all rights due a judgment creditor until such judgment is satisfied and shall stand on equal footing with the plaintiff of the original case in securing a recovery after payment to the plaintiff of damages awarded other than as punitive damages.»).
Upon issuance of judgment [for punitive damages], the state shall have all rights due a judgment creditor until such judgment is satisfied and shall stand on equal footing with the plaintiff of the original case in securing a recovery after payment to the plaintiff of damages awarded other than as punitive damages.»)
Some time ago we featured one such judgment, that by U.S. Justice Posner, whose aim was censure and mockery.
However, in the United Kingdom, such a judgment shall be enforced in England and Wales, in Scotland or in Northern Ireland only when, on the application of any interested party, it has been registered for enforcement in that part of the United Kingdom.
The course of the court is where no motion is made by either party, on its own motion, to reverse such a judgment for want of jurisdiction, not only in cases where it is shown, negatively, by a plea to the jurisdiction that jurisdiction does not exist, but even where it does not appear, affirmatively that it does exist.
However, the court would review the following four issues if challenged by the respondent: (1) whether the foreign court lacks jurisdiction pursuant to Taiwanese laws; (2) whether a default judgment is rendered against the losing defendant, but the notice or summons of the initiation of action had been legally served in a reasonable time in the foreign country or had been served through judicial assistance provided under the Taiwanese laws; (3) whether the performance ordered by such judgment or its litigation procedure is against Taiwanese public policy or morals; and (4) whether there exists no mutual recognition between the foreign country and Taiwan.
Nevertheless, there is an argument that the English & Welsh court would not be bound to recognise such a judgment due to its previous declaration on the validity of the arbitration agreement.
In practice, one reason that the business is actually unlikely to sue you in this situation (unless they discovered that more than $ 50,000 was taken) is that having lost your job and paid them $ 50,000 you may not be able to pay even a large judgment if it was awarded against you (although such a judgment, if entered, would probably not be dischargeable in bankruptcy under U.S. law).
The fourth of these was that the government had «judged that no fair and workable compromise solution could be found which would address the problem», and that such a judgment had been accepted by Parliament.
Such judgment as yet is largely a prophecy based on meager and uninterpreted experience...»
After all, if the Italian decree was precluded by EU law, then, in order to let such a judgment of the ECJ affect the outcome of the national proceedings, the decree had to be considered non-binding by the referring court.
The director had assets of about $ 97,000 to satisfy such a judgment, at the time the action should have been commenced.
If the charges are not upheld then the authors have every right to have such a judgment announced publicly.
Like the RAF works, the Klan paintings avoid censuring or supporting their subjects, leaving any such judgment entirely to the viewer.
Such judgment is fair enough.
Factors which may cause the adviser to make such a judgment include, but are not limited to, the following: only a bid price or an asked price is available; the spread between bid and asked prices is substantial; the frequency of sales; the thinness of the market; the size of reported trades; and actions of the securities markets, such as the suspension or limitation of trading; (iii) securities determined to be illiquid; (iv) securities with respect to which an event that will affect the value thereof has occurred (a «significant event») since the closing prices were established on the principal exchange on which they are traded, but prior to the Fund's calculation of its net asset value.
to make such a judgment include the following: (a) only a bid price or an asked price is available; (b) the spread between bid and asked prices is substantial; (c) the liquidity of the securities; (d) the frequency of sales; (e) the thinness of the market; (f) the size of reported trades; and (g) actions of the securities markets, such as the suspension or limitation of trading.
At any hearing conducted thereon by the administrator, such judgment shall be prima facie evidence in support of the revocation of the creditor's license.
Or would you agree that you really need to stay in that town for longer and observe its longer - term weather patterns to make such a judgment?
(B) the impact of entry of such judgment upon competition in the relevant market or markets, upon the public generally and individuals alleging specific injury from the violations set forth in the complaint including consideration of the public benefit, if any, to be derived from a determination of the issues at trial.
(A) The competitive impact of such judgment, including termination of alleged violations, provisions for enforcement and modification, duration of relief sought, anticipated effects of alternative remedies actually considered, whether its terms are ambiguous, and any other competitive considerations bearing upon the adequacy of such judgment that the court deems necessary to a determination of whether the consent judgment is in the public interest; and
Such judgment is the wild card in the competition, said Michael J. Petrilli, a vice president of the Thomas B. Fordham Institute, a think tank in Washington.
The decision marks the first time the agency has passed such judgment.
«Imagine what it must be like for trans women who are constantly facing such judgment as well as discrimination and violence in many cases.»
However, I don't think I've heard such judgment from the others.
Such a judgment is borne out by a new generation's rejection of the myth of progress.
Zosima refuses such judgment.
Christian thought makes no claim that inequality, per se, is unjust; one must examine the cause of the inequality to make such a judgment.
Choosing to believe one set of tales is factual while all others are just mythical requires an act of faith, as no evidence supports such a judgment, right?
Before one consents to such a judgment, opposing considerations should be given due weight.
Such a judgment must inevitably occur from the perspective of a radical Hegelian understanding of history, as can be seen from Engels» interpretation of those primal words of Hegel, «All that is real is rational; and all that is rational is real»:
The problem is that when put to the test, these accountable communitarians decline to render such judgment.
While the chief playwright of the Western world is, according to this view, fully implicated in the crimes of his culture, The Merchant of Venice and Othello, plays that offer characters and incidents with a plausible relation to contemporary concerns, undermine any such judgment.
Such a judgment would be eminently unfair.
As you may have heard, last week the Southern Baptist Convention responded to pastor Rob Bell's controversial book, Love Wins, with a resolution declaring that «the Bible clearly teaches that God will judge the lost at the end of the age,» and that such judgment will include the «conscious, eternal suffering» for all non-Christians.
Without such judgment, forgiveness would be meaningless.»
Such a judgment carries with it its own problems concerning definition, and it will be unacceptable on first reading to many within evangelicalism, for their traditions do not easily stretch to include such a notion as being that of «justice.»
Though such judgment initially seems to be negative and evokes our strong resistance, it is really a gift in favor of us rather than an interdiction opposed to us.
Such a judgment is also borne out in Paul's catalogue of vices in 1 Corinthians 6:9, 10 and 1 Timothy 1:8 - 11.
However, we may have arrived at the end of the period for which such a designation is appropriate and for which such a judgment can be defended.
The question is not so much whether it is possible, justifiable, or advisable to have a viewpoint or standpoint from which to pass such judgment but rather where the proper place for introducing it ought to be.
But such a judgment needs context.
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