Sentences with phrase «such landscapes»

And we raise the natural sound levels by 10 times in 21 percent of such landscapes.
Far less controversial is the idea that when such landscapes are attacked in this way, the process does violence to things other than the landscapes themselves.
The views from the tops, where the sea and the curve of the coast can be seen framing such a landscape can be breathtaking and are never forgotten.
This new research underscores the importance of such landscapes.
Although he denied belief in God, he considered Dante's Divine Comedy to provide just such a landscape and ideal in which the mind could dwell.
So, while it may be true that science functions best in a «desert landscape,» it is also true that there is plenty of room for such a landscape in the endless domain of speculative cosmology (a sort of «garden of delights»).
But biologists say we are built to make snap judgments about such landscapes, without conscious thought.
Researchers have found that forest corridors enable specialized hummingbirds that prefer such landscapes to travel longer distances from one patch of trees to another, increasing pollen exchange between forest patches.
Without such a landscape - scale approach we can expect many species to go regionally extinct.»
Reassessing such landscapes with specific references and allusions to history, literature and mythology, Quinn probes the psychological depths of Romanticism and other schools of painting.
Such landscapes supported the formation of an American identity and fueled a sense of national pride, even though European precedents largely inspired the style.
Executed in 1964, «Mountains in Red» was the largest of seven such landscapes inspired by a Mao Zedong poem.
Questioning Human Interventions In The Landscape In making the multi-screen video installation, «The Three Gorges, 3rd Edition» (2011), Hinrichsen said she hoped to raise questions about how human interventions change the natural world, and what might be left of such landscapes in the future:
Viewing Nicolas Poussin's «Sleeping Venus and Cupid» in the exhibition «Poussin and Nature» at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, was the initial impetus for McDowell wanting to make works in such landscape.
In such a landscape, the report stresses the need for Labour to accept the impossibility of outright victory in the next election and prepare instead for an era of «quasi-federal, multi-party politics», where it relies on the assistance of other parties.
She knew that completely drying out such a landscape would make it extremely fire - vulnerable — dramatic changes like those seen in Southeast Asia.
Human - produced noise doubles the background sound levels in 63 percent of protected areas, and raises it tenfold in 21 percent of such landscapes.
The Gandikota gorge view was a vantage point for one such landscape.
In such a landscape, Phantasy Star II must have been a welcome respite — a colossal adventure filled with hours upon hours of battles, dungeon exploration, and a honest - to - goodness story with truly shocking twists and turns.
Such landscapes are «all - over» paintings, slices taken from a boundless field of pictorial incident.
Once the highway association has been made I am cued to read the rest of the painting as landscape, with trees and mountains perhaps, even whilst knowing full well that no such landscape has actually been described.
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