Sentences with phrase «such large distances»

It is the first object observed at such a large distance.
A project that moves that much water across such a large distance is going to present a little more than the usual kind of environmental problem.
«It is the first time that we have seen outflowing cold gas moving at these large speeds at such large distances from the supermassive black hole,» said Claudia Cicone, a PhD student at Cambridge's Cavendish Laboratory and Kavli Institute for Cosmology, and lead author on the first of the two papers.
Some other monkeys, such as macaques, can also dive, but probably not for such large distances, says Boonratana.
STEP 4 Over such large distances, the signal travelling through the cable is weakened.
The LMC would only be able to hold on to the stars at such large distances if it was substantially bigger than previously thought, totalling perhaps as much as a tenth of the mass of the entire Milky Way.
The NPY Women's Council, which employs the Ngangkari (the only such program in Australia), has long campaigned for more dialysis services in remote communities, arguing that having to go such large distances for treatment was «doubly cruel» and «likely to make end stage kidney failure even more distressing and upsetting».
Here the outermost shell electron is located at such a large distance from the atomic nucleus that the radius of the atom is blown up by a factor of about 1000.
Of course, mission planners have built some extra days into the schedule to account for the small uncertainty in the efficiency of the solar arrays at such a large distance from the Sun, where sunlight will be very faint.
(At such large distances, internal motion would not be perceptible.)
Lockman points out that some additional factor has to be involved to get neutral hydrogen to such large distances from the Galactic plane.
«This is remarkable that the supermassive black hole is able to impact stars forming at such large distances,» says Wright.
While galaxies are challenging to study at such large distances, nature occasionally gives us an advantage through the phenomenon of gravitational lensing.
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