Sentences with phrase «such metaphorical language»

In no way should the reader construe that an actual doctor - patient relationship exists because of such metaphorical language.

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We have come to see, as a matter of fact, that religious assertion by its very nature is inevitably couched in such metaphorical, symbolical, if you will poetical, language; and that all deep faith must express itself in this way if it is to express itself at all.
The exhibition's chronological installation brings to light intriguing parallels between these three time periods, revealing dynamic through - threads within the artistic depiction of identity from 1912 to the present, such as the turn to language, symbolic attributes, and the metaphorical significance of color and form.
The exhibition's chronological installation reveals intriguing parallels between these three time periods, revealing dynamic through - threads within the artistic depiction of identity from 1912 to the present, such as the turn to language, symbolic attributes, and the metaphorical significance of color and form.
It is exciting to see an artist of Dray's generation expressing such a subtle accommodation of the contemporary world; when questioned she rapidly agreed that her sculptures are highly metaphorical objects, in spite of their ostensible borrowings from the language of American Minimalism.
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